If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some form...

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If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some form...

Post by GeekBoyEric74 »

.....just what dangling plot thread or threads from the finale do you really want to see resolved? Or is it really just ONE thread we all care about; the ultimate fate of Dale Cooper? This is just for fun/speculation....if YOU were in charge to make this a reality, who do you think is crucial to come back? Is anyone?

With all the talk over the past year of some kind of continuation, be it on Netflix or whatnot, or even just a short film by Lynch for the Blu-ray set (my preferred outcome; I don't feel Twin Peaks needs a continuation so much as it needs a proper conclusion) what kind of circumstances do you think you'd find the original characters in 25 years later? I honestly think for most Twin Peaks fans, we are mostly invested in one dangling plot line in particular...just what happens to Special Agent Dale Cooper, and is he truly trapped forever in the Black Lodge? For a show that had upwards of 40 regular and recurring characters, I'd honestly say MOST of their plot lines were properly wrapped up by the end of the series. I don't feel the need to see a lot of the original characters again, as I feel most of their stories were concluded successfully. Plus, 25 years on, how many would still live in town? Only half at best, I'd say.

Plotlines and Characters I Feel Are Resolved/Don't Need To Come Back

Lucy, Andy, Dick Tremayne
-the whole Lucy/Andy/Dick babby daddy saga is wrapped up with Lucy choosing Andy as the father of her baby, regardless of actual paternity. To me, there are no dangling plot threads I need to see continued from that story. As much as I love them, I don't feel the need to see them. Maybe a cameo from the now adult offspring of Lucy, but nothing more than that.

Ben Horne, Catherine Martell, Pete Martell, Andrew Packard, Josie Packard
-in the war of the Eckhardts vs. the Packards vs the Hornes over the Saw Mill and the Packard land, Josie, Thomas,and (presumably) Ben Horne,Andrew Packard and Pete all die one by one, leaving Catherine the sole heir to everything. I am ok with this conclusion, because Catherine rocks. I think at most she should get a reference as the town's Grande Dame and owner of everything, but I wouldn't need to see her (also, Piper Laurie is pretty much retired from acting) Since Jack Nance is long gone, as is Dan O'Herlihy, I'd simply say they died in the bank explosion.

Ed, Nadine & Norma
-Nadine finally gets her memory back in the finale and has to confront the truth about Ed and Norma. A sad ending for Nadine to be sure, and more "open ended" than some of the other cliffhangers, but it's enough of an ending for me. It would have bothered me a lot more if the show had ended with Nadine still in la-la land. It might be fun to see Nadine in some form, but it's not necessary.

Bobby, Shelly and Leo
-It's safe to assume that Leo dies out in the woods, leaving Bobby and Shelley their happily ever after. Maybe we could see Shelley as the new owner of the Double R? I wouldn't hate that. We know Madchen is one of David's favorites, so if any old cast member is to come back, aside from Kyle it would probably be her. But in a way, I kinda don't need to see them again. Would be interesting if Bobby cleaned up his act and became a cop (maybe Sheriff?) fulfilling his father's vision of happiness for him.

Donna and Doc Hayward
-considering we see Doc Hayward with Truman tending to Coop after he slammed Ben Horne's head into a wall in the final episode, it's safe to assume that either Ben lived, or his death was considered an accident. My preferred outcome is that Ben dies. Not that I don't love Ben Horne, just that his storyline feels done to me. I also like the tragic irony of Ben dying trying to be good, when he was evil he got away with murder. Anyways, I'd say Doc retired (he was old back then) and Donna, after having a very shitty month or so, gets the hell outta Twin Peaks and doesn't look back.

There were no loose plot threads really for Truman, Hawk, Sarah Palmer, Dr. Jacoby, James (who we presume just dropped out of high school?) The Briggs, The Log Lady, Jerry Horne, or Eileen Hayward. I feel that the Log Lady is such an important part of the iconography of the town, that she should definitely show up though. Maybe still in her favorite booth at the Double R.

Plotlines and Characters I DO Feel Would Need To Return

So basically,The only plot line I really care about seeing continued, either in a short film or mini-series involve the fate of Dale Cooper. He's the biggie.

And, of course, Sheryl Lee would need to appear as Laura Palmer again in the Lodge. Although Sheryl has obviously aged, body wise, she's still in the same shape she's always been. All it would take is a little "digital scrubbing" to make her look 25 years younger again. They did the whol "digital de-aging" thing with Jessica Lange for flashbacks on American Horror Story and rather successfully for Matt Damon in the early parts of Behind the Candlelabra, where he really looked like he was a 20 year old kid. Same could be done for Sheryl. it's not that hard to do anymore. And a look-alike can be found for BOB. It's not really an "acting part" in the strictest sense anyway.

...ok, and I would need to see the fate of my second favorite character, Audrey Horne. Personally, I'd say she lived (how I don't know. It's a tv show, they would have figured out a way) I'd say she was the sole survivor of the bank explosion. She inherited her father's company when he died,and sold it all to her father's lover/arch rival Catherine Martell. She then decides to take her money and go to Hollywood and become an actress, as that was the idea that was floated around for an Audrey spin-off back in the day that eventually evolved into Mulholland Drive. It would be a nod to that. Maybe a cameo with an Audrey Horne movie playing on tv in the background. I just adore Audrey and want her to get a happy ending. I'm sentimental like that.

So what are your guys' ideas? Even if you don't think it will ever happen, you know you've at least thought about "what if?" Who do you think should make the cut? Or do we really only care what happened to Coop?
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by chalfont »

hmmmm....this is a difficult one......
What about going back, say 100 years, to the time around when the town of Twin Peaks was in it's birth.
The first inhabitants, with family names we already know, like Horne, Palmer, Johnson, Martell, Briggs - and some strange connections with the people we know from the series 100 years later.
The founding of the bookhouse boys, and how the people of Twin Peaks first noticed that there were something strange in the woods...
Things happening there with strange connections to the lodges, BOB, owl cave, Blue Book Project....
The mill, Indian culture, the woods......
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by kafard »

Hmm not a bad idea :)
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by GeekBoyEric74 »

chalfont wrote:hmmmm....this is a difficult one......
What about going back, say 100 years, to the time around when the town of Twin Peaks was in it's birth.
The first inhabitants, with family names we already know, like Horne, Palmer, Johnson, Martell, Briggs - and some strange connections with the people we know from the series 100 years later.
The founding of the bookhouse boys, and how the people of Twin Peaks first noticed that there were something strange in the woods...
Things happening there with strange connections to the lodges, BOB, owl cave, Blue Book Project....
The mill, Indian culture, the woods......
Not THAT...is a very cool idea. And honestly, the only way I'd really want to see a whole new "season" of Twin Peaks. I kind of think the version of Peaks we know now just needs a proper conclusion or epilogue, not a full blown season. But your idea is very cool. Peaks during Downton Abbey era!
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by oscar gonzo »

I reckon it'd be interesting not to do a straight forward follow-up/third season, resolving unfinished plotlines etc, but making a mini-series, say three or four episodes, as some sort of moodpiece, picking up on the nostalgia vibe connected to the Twin Peaks vibe, with a much smaller cast, a slow pace, rich on brooding and melancholic atmosphere, i.e. return to the town after 25 years, focus on a few characters, hinting briefly to what happened in the past, but mostly showing slices of life in the odd little town of Twin Peaks.
Things i've been imagining over the years that could be included:
-Truman living a secluded life in a shack in the woods, who turned his back on the world after killing the evil Cooper all these years ago, communicating with the spirits in the woods, aided by the old log lady, looking for answers to the evils that live out there
-Images of the ruins of the abandoned Overlook Hotel, and the ghost of Leland dancing in the ballroom at night.
-Andy running the police station, along with Lucy and Albert, who's moved to Twin Peaks to find his inner peace.
And then suddenly, Cooper returns..
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by Jasper »

Some good ideas.

I'd always like to see it pick up 25 years later, and make us work a bit to figure out what happened back in the day, maybe slowly revealing hints through tiny bits of exposition, or in other clever ways. Maybe there's some confusion among the characters as to what happened.

Michael Ontkean's living situation would perhaps necessitate Truman having been so scarred by everything that he fled to Hawaii. Maybe there's a ring of coconut trees there...around a coconut oil pool.
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by GeekBoyEric74 »

Has anyone thought that maybe we'll be getting a novel continuation from Mark Frost? Recently, a fan asked him on Twitter "would a novel wrapping up twin peaks be too much to ask? to which Mark Frost simply replied "No." Add to that the cryptic comments that Frost made last year about Twin Peaks being a "continuing story" when a fan asked about more Twin Peaks, I think we might be seeing a conclusion to Twin Peaks in novel form at some point soon. While I don't wish to see any visual Twin Peaks (television show or movie) coming from anyone but Lynch himself, I'm ok with a novel coming from Frost, who is the co-creator, and therefore it's as official as it could possibly be.

The only obstacle to this would be Lynch himself, who is co-owner of the IP that is Twin Peaks along with Mark Frost. Frost would need to get his approval to do it, and Lynch has stopped attempts at doing a season three comic book before (of course, those attempts came from a fan and not Mark Frost, who is the co-creator.) I hope if Frost is wanting to do a novel, that Lynch isn't being the monkey wrench in his way. That would annoy me.

If a novel is coming, the perfect time to announce it would be whenever the Blu-ray is announced. What a day that would be for Peaks fans...the announcement of the long awaited Blu-ray set with Fire Walk With Me and the deleted scenes AND a novel from Mark Frost? Man...that would be bad ass. there would be awesome opportunities for making this a multi-media event as well (cool website, maybe an audiobook read by Kyle MacLachlan. A "soundtrack" to the book from Badalementi? So many cool possibilities.)
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by snoghumangerm »

with a novel coming from Frost, who is the co-creator, and therefore it's as official as it could possibly be.
That'd be great! I, too, felt the ending of twin peaks was kinda unresolved. But that's just me.

Greek boy, your ideas for a resolution are phenomenal. I'd like that plot line myself.
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by Jasper »

snoghumangerm wrote:I, too, felt the ending of twin peaks was kinda unresolved. But that's just me.
It is most definitely NOT just you. :lol:
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by Gabriel »

You could go in so many directions.


Open in the present day with a battered, disorientated woman walking across the bridge claiming to be Laura Palmer. She keeps on talking about a man called Dale Cooper, but not even old Mayor Truman remembers the name...


An abused 16-year-old Twin Peaks boy called Dale Cooper is found murdered, wrapped in plastic. FBI agent Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) is sent back to her home town by Gordon Cole to investigate. It's a Blue Rose case and details of the case seem familiar to Laura and remind her of something strange in her past.


The murders start again outside the Lodges, but Dale Cooper knows it can't be him, as Mike has been keeping him drugged. Can he get to Glastonbury Grove and exorcise the monster within him? In the Waiting Room, the other Cooper meets Laura again after 25 years. Can she lead him to the White Lodge and to freedom?

I dunno... I just hope the Blu-ray release and deleted scenes might persuade Amazon or Netflix to commission a new season . . .
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by LostInTheMovies »

chalfont wrote:hmmmm....this is a difficult one......
What about going back, say 100 years, to the time around when the town of Twin Peaks was in it's birth.
The first inhabitants, with family names we already know, like Horne, Palmer, Johnson, Martell, Briggs - and some strange connections with the people we know from the series 100 years later.
The founding of the bookhouse boys, and how the people of Twin Peaks first noticed that there were something strange in the woods...
Things happening there with strange connections to the lodges, BOB, owl cave, Blue Book Project....
The mill, Indian culture, the woods......
I'd go out on a limb and say this would be the ONLY Twin Peaks "return" that I think would be compelling beyond the curio/nostalgia factor. Yes, there were a lot of loose ends in the finale but, in a sad way, it makes sense for Cooper to end where he does (the silver lining being he's in the Lodge to greet Laura). It completes the character's arc and fits Lynch's vision (in the second half of his career) of good people - or at least people who want to be good - losing their way somehow.

But I would love to hear more about the Palmer's early days of witchery, the relationship of the original Indian tribes, their conquest, and the mysteries of the woods, and the foundation of secret societies to balance the needs of home with the duty to fight the threat without. Greil Marcus compared Twin Peaks to Young Goodman Brown, and it's a pity that - geographically - we can't go all the way back to Puritan days, but even a late 19th-century settlement could draw on some of those elements.

Another great aspect is that the actors could appear at their natural age, with people like Ray Wise or Sheryl Lee returning despite their characters having died (not that Lee couldn't employ a little red hair dye - there was that color left at least). Hell, I'd even take a Palmer family exclusive (or rather, wheatever Laura's mom's side of the family was named) going back to the East Coast in the 17th century, in which we did see them in the Salem Witch Trials. You know they were there...
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by chalfont »

bumping this thread as a response to the reboot thread.....:-)
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by thegreatnorthern »

Ooh yes, the history of twin peaks.. so many possibilities
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by StealThisCorn »

Twin Peaks: An Access Guide To the Town is an invaluable little resource for stories set in Peaks' past. So many interesting tidbits in that little book. But I do wonder, what kind of storyline would be as compelling as the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer, with all its twists and turns, red herrings and illogical leaps that, conveniently, pay off, without just becoming a repeat? Laura by another name. What's Twin Peaks without the Log Lady? Of course there would be the founding of the Bookhouse Boys, the "game of thrones" with the Packards, the evil in the woods, local Native American lore, Mike and Bob's golden circle of appetite and satisfaction, etc.

EDIT: Actually some additional problems occur to me with the farther back you take it. If you go back to the 1950s, for example, prostitution becomes a lot more subtle and coy, keeping with the general sexual repression of the day, with advertisers disguised as things like "nurses" in the phonebook. Whereas if you back to the early 1900s, prostitution could be just down the street at the saloon, losing any impact of illegality or surprise. Carnivale might be a good example of the kind of atmosphere you'd want to hit though.

But feel free to share any more ideas for storylines that could be done in the past of Twin Peaks.
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Re: If Twin Peaks WERE to be continued/concluded in some for

Post by philosofish »

It seems to me that if Twin Peaks were to be continued at this late date, the likeliest method would be via a novel, perhaps by Mark Frost, who has written several. He'd have to get both Lynch's permission and collaboration on the plot, however -- and that's not the way novelists generally work (as opposed to TV, which is always a collaborative medium). More likely, perhaps, would be something in fictional diary form from Jennifer Lynch -- "The Diary of Annie Blackburn" or "The Unclassified Diary of Major Garland Briggs".

I also like James Marshall's idea of a "Bookhouse Boys" series. Again, David Lynch, who owns all rights to TP now, would have to want to do it. Good luck with that!
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