Season 3, The First Draft - Speculation etc.

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Re: Season 3, The First Draft - Speculation etc.

Post by Soolsma »

eyeboogers wrote:
Soolsma wrote:Actually, I think the voice on the phone was David Lynch. But that's just my personal belief. Just like he most likely voiced TEOTA. Pretty sure the story is meant to imply it's Judy on the phone.
Many months ago I tried my best with sound editing soundware to see if any secrets could be uncovered that way. I can't say for sure if it's Zabrieskie's voice or not, but it's definitely not Lynch, and once the vocal distortion gets cleaned up a bit it is possible to notice shades of a somewhat strong southern accent. Which we know Grace can do, but which I've never heard from Lynch.
Were you the one who posted that on reddit too then? If so, could you post that link so I can see if I can be convinced :)
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Re: Season 3, The First Draft - Speculation etc.

Post by vicksvapor77 »

Mr. Reindeer wrote:Just process of elimination. I think the most logical theories have been that it’s either Jeffries or Judy. Mark confirmed explicitly that it’s not actually Jeffries.

He also drops one further tidbit: the caller is trying to get info from Mr. C to gain access to someone’s location. I took this to mean Judy is trying to find Briggs (who’s part of the key opposition against her along with Cooper and Cole, and by far the most powerful of the three). The caller explicitly mentions that Mr. C was with Briggs. As we’ve seen, despite Mr. C killing Briggs, his disembodied head lives on and seems to continue to be a threat to Judy. Maybe she thinks Mr. C has further insight about how to locate and destroy Briggs.

It’s also possible that Mark means the caller is trying to gain info to Bob’s location, which would keep Mike in play as a candidate (another theory I’ve read), but given the NY reference, I find Judy much more likely (recall that the glass box was financed by Mr. C....I see the line “I missed you in NY” as a taunt about the fact that she escaped his trap).
Thanks for the explanation! I will have to think about this. But I think the "I will be with Bob again" might mean Judy was trying to determine Bob's location. Like maybe she didn't know he was inside of Mr. C? Or I guess once Mr. C goes back to the Red Room, she knows it would somehow "free" the parasite of Bob? I'm not sure. I feel there was a lot about the origins of evil aka Bob and Judy in The Final Dossier that may lead down this road of interpretation.
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Re: Season 3, The First Draft - Speculation etc.

Post by bowisneski »

Something I've been interested in is how much was written by Mark and David and how much by David and I think I've got an idea and I have the pieces to kind of make it work.

Kristine McKenna writes in Room to Dream
"In January 2015 Lynch and Frost turned in a 334-page script to the network"
which Frost seems to disagree with in Conversations with Mark Frost.
"going back to Kristine’s timeline: On October 6, 2014, you guys both sent the tweet out that “It is happening again.” Then in January 2015, you turned in a 334-page script to Showtime. That’s all accurate?"

"I believe so, yeah. Although I think it was longer than that."
Then there's the copyright the script which was 389 pages as of 07/16/2015.
RRCopyright.png (25.05 KiB) Viewed 4445 times
And Peter Deming says seems to peg the final script at 520+ pages and he seems to be one of the few people to get to read the whole script
"And despite being a ‘series,’ it was conceived and produced as a very, very long feature film working with a script of 525+ pages with one director and one crew. "
"After I read the script, 520-some pages, I certainly remembered the characters and situations from the original show."
Additionally according to Mark
"Part 8 was "maybe 12, 15 pages."
And he gives that 12-15 number in multiple places.

Here's where I get out of the facts and into assumptions which I'm going to base on the 389 number being what Mark and David wrote together since it was copyrighted with that, Mark believes it was longer than 334 pages, and McKenna seems to get multiple Peaks related things wrong throughout RtD. Which leads me to when I transcribed the Combined Dialogue and Continuity lists in to script form my final page count was 524 pages and Part 8 came out to 14 pages, which lines up with what Frost and Deming have to say.

So, based on that, I would hazard a guess that Lynch wrote around 130 additional pages, or ~25% of the season.
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