Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

General discussion on Twin Peaks not related to the series, film, books, music, photos, or collectors merchandise.

Moderators: Brad D, Annie, Jonah, BookhouseBoyBob, Ross, Jerry Horne

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Re: Season 4? Or is it over after this? Wisteria/Unrecorded Night? Something else? (Speculation thread.)

Post by johndaker »

It’s very yrev good to see you niaga old friends
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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by Jonah »

Great minds, Jasper!

For those who are mentioning members like Mordeen and others who haven't logged in for awhile - try contacting them outside of this site and giving them a head's up about this one closing and the new one that has opened. If you don't know how to contact them outside of there, check their profile and see if the "Send an email" feature is operational. If so, you could try doing that (though presumably they would have already gotten an email from Dugpa about the board closing though still worth a shot).

The two members I'd mention who haven't been here in awhile that I'd love to see on the new board as I enjoyed their posts are Cappy and LostintheMovies. I know how to contact Lost on Twitter but I don't know him so if anyone does or has interactions with him over there, please give him a head's up. I also sent an email to both via here. PeteMartell, the poster who started the now legendary (on here at last and has been quoted elsewhere outside this site too, likely even in the media) Season 4 thread might be worth notifying too (also tried sending him an email via here).
I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.
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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by Brad D »

A few random things before we part:

When this forum opened, the second season dvd was FINALLY available. What a thrill it was to go to the store and buy that little box. Even better, sitting down to watch each and every episode and see little details pop up that were not that obvious or visible from the vhs set. To be able to congregate with others and discuss this experience in real time was incredibly special.

How much fun was it when the archive of music trickled out over the course of a few months? Always wondering what would come next, and how much was really left in the vaults? And of course, all of Ross’s incredible cover art.

Remember all the fun TP 20 merchandise? A very cool guy named Rob was in charge of all that and really hit home run after home run. He once told me they had planned a One Eyed Jacks poker set. I wish that had came out for the Return! (I remember working multiple overtime shifts to afford all this, plus the Beymer prints! Haha)

I also had a lot of fun exploring locations online and in person with some of you guys. Charles’s InTwinPeaks site really lit a fire under my fandom. Crossing over into the real world and exploring so many places from Peaks, trying to figure out lost places. We still never found the Log lady’s Cabin establishing exterior shot, but damn we sure tried. What a blast.

I look back and can’t believe what all has happened. We got more Twin Peaks. And the FWWM deleted scenes. All the music. Above all that, I made some truly great friends. Whether here, at the festival, or at various meetups - it was a real honor to know you guys. What else could I ask for. To be here from beginning to end is a real gift. Thanks again to Brian and to all - what a ride this was.
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Leo K
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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by Leo K »

Wow, I just happened here by chance and saw this was the last day! I’ve been a member since 6/15/10 and have only 35 posts in all those years but I was a constant lurker and this place has so many memories that go along with my Twin Peaks fandom. I am really going to miss this place. Really miss this place…thank you ALL.

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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by DougieJones »

Thank you so much to the great admins and contributors to this forum for everything they have done. This has been a small but very memorable chapter of my life and I will never forget logging on here first day in the morning to discuss the littlest tidbits of information and anything Twin Peaks. It has been an honor to hang out with you all and I hope to see everyone on Tulpa or wherever.

Thank you all so much.
"Jade give two rides."
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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by Audrey Horne »

Brad, I was going to try to upload some of the archive photos from the set that we discovered for your book that have never seen the light of day.

The cemetery tombstones (Merle, I told you I was sick!), Lynch directing Fenn as she prays from One Eyed Jacks, the court room scenes… so many good fines. But alas, it’s too late.

Again, everyone thank you for all the good times here…. And who knows, we may still get to see more Peaks returning.

Dugpa, you are the amazing for providing all of this.

Much love to my Peakers!

Audrey Horne, signing off. Xoxo
God, I love this music. Isn't it too dreamy?
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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Post by Jasper »

Going out with a bang! Thank you all!

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