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Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 5:29 pm
by Mordeen
marchug wrote:
Mordeen wrote:We're so close, and yet still the reality of it --the actual impact-- still hasn't hit. I'm almost numb at this point, a mere handful of days out.

I celebrated this show in my formative years, with friends and acquaintances, many of whom are no longer in my life, literally none of whom will share it with me next Sunday. Most of all my father, to whom I owe so much, not the least of which was his introduction of David Lynch to me. We shared Twin Peaks together, including watching FWWM on opening night to a packed house of empty seats. He died of cancer in 2000, a year shy of my wedding day.

Sorry that I'm so boo-hooey, but after 26 years of Twin Peaks dominating my entertainment reality, I'm entering the Lodge with both joy and sadness. Hawk would say I have imperfect courage. He'd be right.

Here's hoping for my soul when the dust settles and we're left with another end to this strange journey.

I was just going to try and write something like this. Sentiment wise. You knocked it out of the park with this post (as per usual). Thanks Mordeen. It really has been a crazy long journey. From the time I rented the pilot (on VHS) from a weird university town video store. Running back and renting the rest of season 1 and doing the same for season 2 only to find out that it wasn't out and there was no way to get it. A few years later I was at a party at a random girls house and I saw the crazy old Twin Peaks boxset with season 2. We became fast friends and within a week had the first of many many Twin Peaks marathons. I fell in love with one of her friends and we ended up moving to California. At some point while living out there I found this board and became a member. That was just over a decade ago now. At first I was logging every day; then it was a little more along the lines of weekly; after a while it was more like once a month (and that was through those long droughts that occasionally took place pre-Missing Pieces/The return); and now I am checking in every few hours!
Anyway, almost all of those people are no longer in my life. I live in a different country. I am married to an amazing woman who I was able to share all this Twin Peaks with. We even get out to Snowqualmie for a visit on my birthday a few years back - which coincided perfectly with Lynch announcing that Twin Peaks was back on!!!!!!
Yeah, this really is a big deal for me and what seems like all of us.
Sunday can't come quick enough!

Today is my birthday and I received this from my amazing wife which should help with the passing of time....


I still can't believe we get to experience a brand new glimpse back into that place both wonderful and strange...
Cool story. Congrats on your good fortune over the course of the journey.


Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 5:52 pm
by Mistertom

Finally got my entertainment weekly covers framed ! I couldn't figure out how to post a picture so I just included a link to my Instagram post in case anyone wants to see ... I think it turned out pretty good ! Just printed the chevron and red pattern at my local fed ex / kinkos and did a little arts and crafts haha

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:04 pm
by WhiteLodge90
DirkG wrote:
N. Needleman wrote:
mtwentz wrote:If Watts only worked for about 3 weeks, what was this big deal about having to fly her whole family out for the shoot. And this seems to contradict what certain posters who are no longer in this board have said about her role.
You can shoot plenty in three weeks.

I still kind of hold a torch for Amy Shiels playing Preston. Alas, I am pretty sure it's not so.
Well I can't say anything but that I agree. She seemed 100% like a typecast for the role, (even though I'm also of course aware that it's more or less confirmed that another certain newcomer is playing her)

Sorry for being blunt but who the hell is Preston?

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:14 pm
by Mistertom
WhiteLodge90 wrote:
DirkG wrote:
N. Needleman wrote:
You can shoot plenty in three weeks.

I still kind of hold a torch for Amy Shiels playing Preston. Alas, I am pretty sure it's not so.
Well I can't say anything but that I agree. She seemed 100% like a typecast for the role, (even though I'm also of course aware that it's more or less confirmed that another certain newcomer is playing her)

Sorry for being blunt but who the hell is Preston?
Agent Tamara Preston , the person investigating the dossier from "the secret history of twin peaks"

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:15 pm
by WhiteLodge90
Mistertom wrote:
WhiteLodge90 wrote:
DirkG wrote:
Well I can't say anything but that I agree. She seemed 100% like a typecast for the role, (even though I'm also of course aware that it's more or less confirmed that another certain newcomer is playing her)

Sorry for being blunt but who the hell is Preston?
Agent Tamara Preston , the person investigating the dossier from "the secret history of twin peaks"
Ahhh... Didn't finish the book yet. Was going to finish it this week... Whoops.

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:18 pm
by mtwentz
WhiteLodge90 wrote:
Mistertom wrote:
WhiteLodge90 wrote:

Sorry for being blunt but who the hell is Preston?
Agent Tamara Preston , the person investigating the dossier from "the secret history of twin peaks"
Ahhh... Didn't finish the book yet. Was going to finish it this week... Whoops.
It's no big spoiler- enjoy the rest of the book.

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:19 pm
by Mistertom
WhiteLodge90 wrote:
Mistertom wrote:
WhiteLodge90 wrote:

Sorry for being blunt but who the hell is Preston?
Agent Tamara Preston , the person investigating the dossier from "the secret history of twin peaks"
Ahhh... Didn't finish the book yet. Was going to finish it this week... Whoops.
Oh I'm sorry ! I don't think it's a huge spoiler .. Atleast I didn't spill the beans on who the archivist is sorrry !!

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:24 pm
by WhiteLodge90
Mistertom wrote:
WhiteLodge90 wrote:
Mistertom wrote:
Agent Tamara Preston , the person investigating the dossier from "the secret history of twin peaks"
Ahhh... Didn't finish the book yet. Was going to finish it this week... Whoops.
Oh I'm sorry ! I don't think it's a huge spoiler .. Atleast I didn't spill the beans on who the archivist is sorrry !!

Haha. It's all good. I might've missed when they revealed it actually. I'm just at the part where Dr. Jacoby's brother did the newspaper story on the Log Lady. I started it as soon as I got it but unfortunately found of a lot of the Nixon conspiracy stuff to be a little boring. All though there are bits I really enjoyed. I'm determined to finish it by Friday.

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:37 pm
by mfleite

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:45 pm
by WhiteLodge90

I work till 6 Friday and won't be home till like 6:45.. Bummer..

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:49 pm
by dugpa
OneEyedJack wrote:Is this board going to crash on Sunday? Give us a heads up now and we can donate via paypal to help with server costs. I don't want have to start a new forum myself so willing to donate a bit...
We will be monitoring it but should be OK.

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:42 pm
by Esselgee
Madchen is on Last Call With Carson Daly on NBC tonight.

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:12 pm
by Ubermensch33
OneEyedJack wrote:
gary2381 wrote:Interesting..........All of my Twin Peaks - Season 1 and Season 2 On Demand from Showtime has disappeared. (DirecTV)

Also, it looks like we get Part 3 and Part 4 on Sunday the 28th. I know they will be On Demand but didn't know that they will be shown together.
I had it to record the new series on my tv and it disappeared as well. I discovered that the name had changed to "Twin Peaks: The Return" instead of just "Twin Peaks" and it's fine now - everyone might want to double check their series recording settings twice now.
Thanks for this! I had to set mine to record again since the name changed. I'm on DirecTV FYI.

And for next week, it says Title Not Available. Hmmmm....

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:20 pm
by Hockey Mask
Mistertom wrote:

Finally got my entertainment weekly covers framed ! I couldn't figure out how to post a picture so I just included a link to my Instagram post in case anyone wants to see ... I think it turned out pretty good ! Just printed the chevron and red pattern at my local fed ex / kinkos and did a little arts and crafts haha
Love it! Nice job!

Re: NO SPOILERS: Twin Peaks Season 3 on Showtime May 21st 2017

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:37 pm
by IcedOver
If this hasn't been posted, "Good Morning America" (on ABC no less) has a cast reunion scheduled for Wednesday morning.