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Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:41 pm
by Jasper
So, I guess the Wikipedia front page is doing more active Twin Peaks posting than this board is right now.


Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:10 pm
by Jonah
Where is everyone? Been away for months and months myself, and months and months before that too, but have been catching up over the last few days and trying to reactivate a few threads and start some new ones. Not every discussion has to be about Season 4/Unrecorded Night. (One and the same? TBA.) Let's get some random but TP-related discussion going on if anyone's game?

I was reading an old thread about Season 2 fan edits, complete with ancient outdated rapidshare links that no longer work. Has anyone ever found a good one that distils 17-23? Or even 17-28?

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:06 am
by Jonah

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:08 am
by Jonah

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:17 am
by Jonah
Does anyone know which cast members have never or rarely given interviews about their time on the show? I know Lara Flynn Boyle (a few blog posts in 2008), Heather Graham (though she's always eager to answer if asked in print interviews, I'm not sure she's given in-depth interviews? is she even on the DVDs?), Michael Ontkean (a few here and there but not much?), and Eric DaRe. Anyone else?

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:28 am
by Jonah
Stumbled on this - ... story.html #TBT

Mark Caro

September 30, 1990

Of all the possible scenarios in the ''Who Killed Laura Palmer'' puzzle, one theory lies deep in the darkest recesses of the Twin Peaker`s mind. You want to keep it buried, like Laura`s half-heart necklace, but it keeps resurfacing.

They`re making it up as they go along.

FBI special agent Dale Cooper`s dream about a dancing midget? A red herring.

The ''R'' that Cooper digs with excruciating care from beneath the corpse`s fingernail? A colorful detail long forgotten.

Biker James` reporting that Laura told him that her boyfriend, Bobby, killed a man? Well, maybe Bobby did, maybe he didn`t.

When you get right down to it, other plot lines have surpassed the Laura mystery in terms of sheer suspense; last season`s finale left one character dead and seven others hanging in the balance. And the executive producing team of Mark Frost and David Lynch basically forfeited the right to have us care about the identity of Laura`s killer with their unforgivable tease following the dancing midget dream sequence:

Cooper awakens, his hair sticking up like Big Boy`s, and calls Sheriff Harry S. Truman to tell him, ''I know who killed Laura Palmer.'' The next morning (and episode) Cooper says a Laura look-alike whispered the killer`s name in his ear.

''Who was it?'' Harry asks.

''I don`t remember,'' Cooper responds lamely.

The murder mystery solution probably will revolve around a whim, such as the logic used by a bank official in one episode to explain why a stuffed deer head lies in the center of a conference table: ''Oh, it fell down.''

But cynicism spoils the fun, so we`ll give those brain cells another workout as we await the two-hour season premiere on Sunday (8 p.m. on WLS-Ch. 7; the show then moves to 9 p.m. Saturdays). Still, Frost and Lynch must do a credible job of wriggling out of the vast labyrinth that they have constructed if they expect us to keep following more than 40 characters down paths that lead to forks in the road.

So here are some clues, tidbits and theories, gathered through multiple viewings with remote control in hand, to keep in mind as you gather `round the television with your cherry pie, black coffee and, if you`re Ben and Jerry Horne fans, brie sandwiches.

The ''R'': ''Diane, it`s the same thing,'' Cooper tells his portable recorder upon plucking the letter ''R'' from beneath Laura`s fingernail. ''I told you I had a feeling we`d see this again.'' The evidence is sent to the lab and never mentioned again.

Yet the ''R'' seems to be the link between Laura`s murder and that of Teresa Banks. Remember her? In the pilot, Cooper tells a town meeting that the body of someone named Teresa Banks was found almost exactly a year earlier and points to ''irrefutable similarities'' that indicate that Laura was the victim of ''the same killer.'' And that`s the last we hear of Teresa Banks.

The dream: At the end of the second episode, Cooper has his wacko dream that he calls the ''code'' he must ''break.'' A one-armed man gives a soliloquy peppered with satanic references such as ''Fire, walk with me''

(which was also written in blood at the murder site). He identifies himself as Mike and a long-haired guy as Bob, who appears on screen promising to kill again.

Laura`s mother already has had visions of killer Bob crouching at the foot of a bed, and the one-armed man has made brief appearances in both the pilot and first episode. Cooper and the gang finally catch up with the one-armed man in episode No. 4, but he claims not to recognize a police sketch of killer Bob. The one-armed man and killer Bob are AWOL in the last three episodes.

Later in the dream, Cooper sits with a dwarf and a Laura look-alike, both of whom speak in a halting manner (the apparent result of the actors` reading their lines backward and the tape being played in reverse). Several seemingly non-sequitur lines turn out to describe the setting of her attack. The Laura look-alike also makes the nose-rubbing sign of the sheriff`s secret society.

The Laura tape: This is either some very subtly twisted piece of plot or a t cassette-tape continuity gaffe. Laura has sent her psychiatrist, Dr. Jacoby, a tape dated Feb. 23, her last day alive. We hear it in the first episode and again in the season finale.

In the first version, she refers to herself as ''Laura Palmer''; later she`s just ''Laura.'' In the first tape she complains of boredom in a girlish, matter-of-fact voice, and then she`s crying when she says, ''James is sweet, but he`s so dumb . . . . I just know I`m going to get lost in the woods tonight.'' The woods is the setting of the cabin where she apparently was attacked.

In version two, her voice is filled with scorn when she is talking about James, and she never mentions getting lost in the woods. Instead, she talks about being turned on by some mystery man`s attempts to kill her.

A clue? Evidence that Frost and Lynch wanted to tarnish Laura`s reputation posthumously? Or just a goof?

The list of potential suspects is almost as long as the cast of characters. Here are some of the most likely suspects:

Josie Packard, mill owner: It seems she had hired just-paroled Hank to kill her husband, which may shed light on her recollection of Laura`s telling her, ''I think I understand how you feel about your husband`s death.'' She also apparently plotted the mill fire with multiproperty-owner Ben Horne. But when Agent Cooper, inspired by visions of Tibet, pitches rocks at a bottle to identify suspects, the rock representing Josie hits the dirt.

Leo Johnson, truck driver/drug dealer: Eyewitness Jacques and his talking bird both have implicated Leo in attacking Laura. Also, in the agent`s rock test, Leo`s rock smashed the bottle. But did he actually kill her? Probably not.

Leland Palmer, Laura`s father: The guy was unhinged even before he made Jacques breathe pillow. He also shares the dwarf`s dancing mania. So here`s the scenario: Leland figured out that Laura was a coke addict working as a prostitute at business associate Ben Horne`s club. So he followed her, saw Leo and Jacques having sex with her, flipped out and killed her. The Log Lady`s log`s account-don`t ask-is consistent.

Leland also may very well be Dr. Jacoby`s assailant, who is seen wearing black gloves and a dark overcoat. Leland wears this same outfit when he kills Jacques. The man who shoots Cooper is also wearing a dark overcoat and black gloves. But why would Leland murder Teresa Banks?

The one-armed man and ''Bob'': Cooper says that in his dream, ''Bob vowed to kill again, so Mike shot him.'' Who the heck is Bob? (Cooper says this Bob and Mike are not the same as the teenage Bobby and Mike.)

Ben Horne, hotel owner: His daughter, Audrey, says he used to sing to Laura, and he employed her at his department store and, presumably, as a call girl. What better way to incapacitate his emotionally unstable business buddy, Leland, than to tip him off about his daughter`s escapades?

Dr. Jacoby, the psychiatrist: The strongest indication of Dr. Jacoby`s involvement is that Agent Cooper`s rock knocks over, though doesn`t break, the bottle. He also had a sicko relationship with Laura, but nothing has tied him directly to the events of that night.

Laura/Madeleine: They`re cousins, identical cousins-like in the 1944 movie ''Laura,'' in which one cousin kills another and takes her place. Perhaps Maddie was a coke addict who kidnapped Laura and took her place, so Laura killed her. Or vice versa.

But where does Ronette Pulaski, the other attack victim, fit in? Or Teresa Banks? What about the ''R''? And if Twin Peaks is just five miles south of the Canadian border, why is it picnic weather in February?

Stay tuned for the answers. Maybe.

Copyright © 2020, Chicago Tribune

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:31 am
by Jonah
Agent Sam Stanley wrote:"Who killed Twin Peaks?" ... -and-crew/

Great article. Yes, we've read about it countless times but this article actually brought some new info (at least to me). Didn't know Michael Ontkean refused to talk about the show after its cancellation as he blamed it for the downturn in his career, neither about the phone call Catherine Coulson made to Lynch. Interesting stuff.
The closing paragraph really stood out.
“Twin Peaks was too far ahead of its time,” says Charlotte Stewart, who played Betty Briggs. “It was a completely immersive experience filled with incredible characters and creepy secrets, and it had this dreamy quality thanks to its bizarre dialogue and haunting soundtrack. But it was a show that demanded viewers approach it with an open mind, and it expected them to pay attention. Nowadays those things are taken for granted with ground-breaking television, but back then I don’t think people were ready for it.”

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:24 pm
by Jonah
Couple of great images here -


Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:32 pm
by Mr. Reindeer
Mark’s shirt FTW! Nance’s suit is a serious challenger though. Sharp dressed man!

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:35 pm
by Jonah
I wonder if it's filmed outside the studio in Van Nuys. It's very summery/LA-looking and looks studio-like too.

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:41 pm
by Mr. Reindeer
Jonah wrote:I wonder if it's filmed outside the studio in Van Nuys. It's very summery/LA-looking and looks studio-like too.
That or the L/F offices maybe.

Where is that second one from?

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:44 pm
by Jonah
Mr. Reindeer wrote:
Jonah wrote:I wonder if it's filmed outside the studio in Van Nuys. It's very summery/LA-looking and looks studio-like too.
That or the L/F offices maybe.

Where is that second one from?
SF SketchFest?
Link is ... osur12.jpg

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:13 am
by Jonah ... 201830275/



Thank you for all your help and hard work in getting TWIN PEAKS back on the air.

I wish I could tell you things looked good for the future of TWIN PEAKS, but episode #22 airing on June 10, 1991 will be the last. People are working in Europe right now on the possibility of putting together a foreign deal which would enable us to continue the show, but I’m not sure this will work out.

If any of you have a good idea, now is the time to pass it on to J.C. Bourque. TWIN PEAKS is not dead in our minds however, one day there may be a TWIN PEAKS movie.

Enclosed is $1.00 for a damn good cup of coffee…and hot.

Thanks again.

Your friend,

David Lynch

Hmmm, I wonder what this "foreign deal" was? Anyone know?

I was always surprised Bravo never picked up the show for another season when they bought the rights to 1 and 2 and got the Log Lady intros in 1993, but maybe it would have been too expensive and much of the cast had already moved on.

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:45 pm
by Jasper
Jonah wrote: ... 201830275/



Thank you for all your help and hard work in getting TWIN PEAKS back on the air.

I wish I could tell you things looked good for the future of TWIN PEAKS, but episode #22 airing on June 10, 1991 will be the last. People are working in Europe right now on the possibility of putting together a foreign deal which would enable us to continue the show, but I’m not sure this will work out.

If any of you have a good idea, now is the time to pass it on to J.C. Bourque. TWIN PEAKS is not dead in our minds however, one day there may be a TWIN PEAKS movie.

Enclosed is $1.00 for a damn good cup of coffee…and hot.

Thanks again.

Your friend,

David Lynch

Hmmm, I wonder what this "foreign deal" was? Anyone know?

I was always surprised Bravo never picked up the show for another season when they bought the rights to 1 and 2 and got the Log Lady intros in 1993, but maybe it would have been too expensive and much of the cast had already moved on.
That's great! I didn't know that was a thing.

Thanks for posting.

Re: The Random Twin Peaks Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:57 pm
by Jasper
I hadn't seen this. Sheryl Lee hosts an episode of a show about the 90s, dealing with Twin Peaks, and she does it basically as Laura Palmer in the Red Room.

The video doesn't seem to want to embed.

You have to admire their devotion to the concept.
Sheryl_caps.jpg (171.76 KiB) Viewed 5904 times