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Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:59 am
by saygoodbyetojack
Very sad news lads. As others have also said, I will 100% follow ye to a successor site. Thanks to all for the great job done on this forum to date

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:03 am
by dud
hey guys, i am part of a php forum for a band called Animal Collective. Been a part of that great community since 2008. This is a very active forum with a lot of david lynch overlap; there was a long active thread about the return as it was airing.

i raised the prospect of adding a david lynch subforum to the site to positive reception thus far. i think it could be a good place to assemble until we have a website of our own, or even potentially a good permanent solution if people like it and it goes well. significant posters over there were saying this was an interesting idea and to make a post here to gauge the reception here.

it certainly beats a subreddit since it is the exact same format as here. people are welcome to join and post in the david lynch/twin peaks threads to start if anyone would like and see how that goes before the admin creates a david lynch subforum. the implication would be that if we get even one or two dozen people over there making the david lynch threads active that a subforum could be made

one mildly annoying thing is the admin has to manually approve registration to prevent bots from joining the site, so you make a test post being like 'hey i'm real and not a bot lol' then he makes your account active, but he's on there frequently enough throughout the day that it's a very minor annoyance. i'll bump the david lynch and twin peaks threads. it's on the subforum "videodrome," the subforum for film and tv. you can see the convo about adding a david lynch subforum under the subforum 'everything else' in the pinned thread 'site questions'. (fyi you can't see the film and everything else subforums until you join, only the subforums about the band are not behind a log in) hope to see you over there :)

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:54 am
by MoondogJR
Damn, it's been a while since I posted, but I ckeck in almost every day to see what's new en what's not.
Very sad to hear this place is closing down.
But thanks to everybody who has made this forum possible!

Will there be info archivised one way or another?

In case there will be a new board, I'll definitely keep lurking that one!

Till then: taa taa!

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:36 am
by marchug

So many ends of eras happening these days. This one stings. It's been a blast. Thank you Dugpa. Thank you everyone else that made this place home. I am not sure how much I contributed over the last 15 years but I do know how much I gained from these thoughtful and insightful messageboards.

"...just let me say that when these frail shadows we inhabit now have quit the stage we’ll meet and raise a glass again together in Valhalla."

Cheers everyone.
-Marc Francis

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 5:57 am
by mojo1976
Oh man, I've come here nearly everyday for the past 6 years to read and occasionally join in the conversation. I'd been visiting dugpa on and off since 2000 or so, but the forum closing is a tough pill to swallow. I joined the dugpa subreddit and look forward to joining any other replacements (or tulpas) that pop up.

"Now there are some things that will change...I hope I see all of you again. Every one of you."

Thank you Dugpa!

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:08 am
by Rex Mason
Wow. I can't imagine my daily internet routine without the site. It is one of the first things I check everyday. We have been through so much together. I don't know how I would've have gotten through the nightmare that was the period where Lynch walked away from the Return without being able to come here and commiserate.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:09 am
by Metamorphia
Very sad to hear this. I joined around the time shooting started on The Return and found this forum to be a wonderful place full of great discussion, insight and community (a rarity on the internet these days).

I think a subreddit would be a very bad replacement for what a forum can offer and many of dugpa's positive qualities would be lost. Would be fantastic if a new forum could be set up in a similar vein.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:27 am
by hopesfall
Gutted to hear this, but if I'm honest I've felt it coming for a little while. IIRC it was hinted at sometime last year? Regardless, as many others have said, this place has been a permanent bookmark in my browser... for at LEAST 15 years now! This forum and the old Gazette one were my daily dose of Peaks conversation. I'm not really huge on reddit and facebook so I will happily migrate to any spiritual successor and look forward to seeing you all out there in the ether at some point.

Most important of all though, thank you Dugpa for keeping this alive as long as you have. I can say with confidence that it is appreciated much more than you could possibly know. Thanks also to the mods for keeping everything civil, tidy and enlightening, and to all you posters who have been coming back after the re-watches to post little things in the episode threads that I most probably missed, only to spark my love for the show and inspire a re-watch of my own! You kept me coming back over and over and I apprecaite it.

Very sad news, but hopefully the start of something new. I'll keep an eye out on here to see if anything comes of it, and I'll be happy to help in any way I can. Much love to you all from alarmingly sunny England.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:02 am
by mtwentz
Anyone heard from Audrey Horne?

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:04 am
by Jonah
I asked Brad to let Audrey know. I believe Dugpa also tweeted the news. Jerry did too. So anyone who hasn't logged in might see it on there. I think emails also went out to the email addresses people had used to register (assuming they're still current). Although, just in case I'd again encourage people to let others know if they have contact with them outside this forum, especially those who haven't logged in in awhile.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:19 am
by Stavrogyn
I didn't see LateReg and Agent Earle chiming in yet, hopefully they see the news before Friday.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:26 am
by JackwithOneEye
I haven't seen Norm recently.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:28 am
by Jonah
If you check someone's profile, you should be able to see when they were last active on here. Mods can see a bit more but I think all members can see who's online and when someone was last active? Let me know if not. With regards to those mentioned, Norm posted recently in the S4 thread and LateReg, Earle, and others have all been online since the news was posted - so have likely seen it, just may not have gotten around to commenting yet.

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:35 am
by Rainwater
You can't see when someone was last on if they're hiding their online status. (I guess mods can.)

Re: Forum Closing April 15th, 2022

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:01 am
by TwinsPeak
Thanks to Dugpa, Annie, Ross, bookhousebob, Jerry Horne and ofcourse the other members. See you again in 25 years...