Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

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Agent Earle
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Earle »

Interesting, how many of the people here are more into psychological side of the genre! I myself am way more into "realistic", if you'd like to call it that, subgenres. Slashers aren't exactly my thing but I'll take backwoods brutality flicks (a la Wrong Turn) and survival horror (a la Open Water) any time. I also love supernatural stuff, but more of the vampires (30 Days of Night), werewolves (Ginger Snaps), creatures (The Descent), zombies (28 Days Later), demons (Evil Dead remake) etc. variety than the so-called mindfucks (a la Session 9; I did love The Cabin in the Woods, tho') or ghost flicks - I downright detest the latter as I find them boring as hell (same goes for the devil possession movies). I also mainly can't stand Asian horror horror - I think it's waaay too much convoluted and I never can tell the difference between the characters (the faces all look alike to me). The movies of the New French Extremity cycle now - that's my cup of tea! I also think flicks like Saw, Wolf Creek, Hostel, Eden Lake, The Mist, Slither, The Hills Have Eyes remake, Dawn of the Dead remake, Texas Chain Saw Massacre remake etc. are among the best and most important genre flicks of the 00's, so there you have it. I must come across as really primitive to most of you who posted, but then again, I'm a diehard fan of Twin Peaks, so I guess there's no accounting for taste...
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Gabriel »

Agent Earle wrote:Interesting, how many of the people here are more into psychological side of the genre! I myself am way more into "realistic", if you'd like to call it that, subgenres. Slashers aren't exactly my thing but I'll take backwoods brutality flicks (a la Wrong Turn) and survival horror (a la Open Water) any time. I also love supernatural stuff, but more of the vampires (30 Days of Night), werewolves (Ginger Snaps), creatures (The Descent), zombies (28 Days Later), demons (Evil Dead remake) etc. variety than the so-called mindfucks (a la Session 9; I did love The Cabin in the Woods, tho') or ghost flicks - I downright detest the latter as I find them boring as hell (same goes for the devil possession movies). I also mainly can't stand Asian horror horror - I think it's waaay too much convoluted and I never can tell the difference between the characters (the faces all look alike to me). The movies of the New French Extremity cycle now - that's my cup of tea! I also think flicks like Saw, Wolf Creek, Hostel, Eden Lake, The Mist, Slither, The Hills Have Eyes remake, Dawn of the Dead remake, Texas Chain Saw Massacre remake etc. are among the best and most important genre flicks of the 00's, so there you have it. I must come across as really primitive to most of you who posted, but then again, I'm a diehard fan of Twin Peaks, so I guess there's no accounting for taste...
Actually, I don't think you're primitive at all. Horses for courses. I edited a French extremity trailer for the London Frightfest a few years ago and it's one of my favourite trailers (can't put it on YouTube because it's too extreme.) And I have a lot of love for blood and thunder movie making. It's just not my personal favourite. I've had sleep paralysis my whole life and for some reason that draws me towards creepy stuff. Nothing cinematic is a disturbing as having sleep paralysis though. That is pure fear!
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Earle »

Sleep paralysis? Is that the condition about which the documentary Nightmare (2015) was made? Brrrr, I shudder at the mere mention of it!
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Agent Sam Stanley
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Sam Stanley »

Horror walks with me
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Re: RE: Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Sam Stanley »

Dead Dog wrote: I didn't think It Follows or The Babadook were anywhere near as good as I'd been led to believe, but still, appreciate what they were doing. The one I did really like though was Goodnight Mommy.
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Re: RE: Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Sam Stanley »

Pöllö wrote:I like some horror films, but the genre is riddled with cheesy storylines and jumpscares, so majority of them are quite rubbish, especially never ones. I liked The Witch tho - the story was original and it didn't rely on cheap gimmicks.
Hear hear
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by bob_wooler »

Agent Earle wrote:Sleep paralysis? Is that the condition about which the documentary Nightmare (2015) was made? Brrrr, I shudder at the mere mention of it!
From the Wikipedia page on Sleep paralysis:
Another common hallucination type involves intruders (human or supernatural) entering one's room or lurking outside one's window, accompanied by a feeling of dread.
I experienced this once, with Bob being the lurker outside my window/cabin. It was fucked up scary and feelgood at the same time. Pretty absurd feeling.
EDIT: this was, truth to be told, a dream, not SP, but still.
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by Agent Earle »

Gabriel wrote: I edited a French extremity trailer for the London Frightfest a few years ago and it's one of my favourite trailers (can't put it on YouTube because it's too extreme.)
Maybe you could upload it somewhere and then PM me the link if it's not asking too much? Would sure love to see it. So you're an associate of London Frighfest, is that right? Aces festival! Brit horror's in excellent condition post-2000, I think. Quite a change from the drought in the 80's and 90's when Clive Barker's stuff was practically anything worth mentioning. So many terrific directors and movies - I may even prefer it to the American scene. Australia is another English-speaking territory that's doing great things in horror (and has been doing it for quite some time).
Last edited by Agent Earle on Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Twin Peaks fan = horror fan?

Post by laughingpinecone »

Ashok wrote:
krishnanspace wrote:Isn't silent hill made by Kojima?
No, Kojima wanted to reboot the Silent Hill franchise with Guillermo del Toro but the project ran into quite a few roadblocks and was sadly scrapped. :(
That's a very polite way of saying "Konami only cares for pachinko and zombie MGS now" :( (I've never even played a SH game, just a Suikoden fan who saw the whole PT/MGSV debacle unfold and sadly nodded from the sidelines)

IT, while most of the friends I've made in this fandom are horror fans, I'm really not. Came for the surrealism, stayed for the dialogue.
] The gathered are known by their faces of stone.
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