How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

General discussion on Twin Peaks not related to the series, film, books, music, photos, or collectors merchandise.

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How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

1-3 years?
3-5 years?
5-10 years?
10-15 years?
15-20 years?
20-25 years?
Total votes: 77
Mr. Jackpots
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How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Mr. Jackpots »

The purpose of this poll is to ascertain how long the members of this board have been waiting for season 3. And get a sense of how many of us out there are relatively newcomers to the series, and how many of us have been around since it's original run 25 years ago. So, think back to when you first saw Twin Peaks and it's final episode and tell us how long it's been.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Dead Dog »

I never wanted any more TP. I always felt the series finale was pitch perfect, in both concept and execution. And while it is always heartbreaking for me to see Dale in his post-Black Lodge state, it's that haunting kind of non-closure that I'm always so attracted to in the arts. Obviously, once season three was announced I became excited, but it isn't anything I ever really wished for. Even now I have some reservations about it. Part of me still wants Episode 29 to be the final act, a mystery that we'll never really get the answers to.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by N. Needleman »

1991, bitch!
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Snailhead »

Dead Dog wrote:I never wanted any more TP. I always felt the series finale was pitch perfect, in both concept and execution. And while it is always heartbreaking for me to see Dale in his post-Black Lodge state, it's that haunting kind of non-closure that I'm always so attracted to in the arts. Obviously, once season three was announced I became excited, but it isn't anything I ever really wished for. Even now I have some reservations about it. Part of me still wants Episode 29 to be the final act, a mystery that we'll never really get the answers to.
I'm partially of the same mind, but then I mostly get the sense that once I've seen S3 I won't be able to imagine the saga without it.

I think I first saw the series in either 2006 or 2007, so about 10 years or so.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by kitty666cats »

Been waiting since I finished watching the show for the first time in 2009.

Been waiting patiently since S3 was first announced.

Been waiting FANATICALLY and IMPATIENTLY ever since I got TSHOTP for Xmas and my TP obsession got re-ignited, full force.

Not long after, we got ourselves a specific release date and now I'm waiting like a heroin addict yearning for their fix!
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Jerry Horne »

June 10th, 1991.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by CuriousWoman »

Geez, we have a lot of long time fans here.

I have no idea how it must have felt for you to finally have some sort of continuation. I'm sure most of you have must been made fun of if you said you expected to see it again after 25 years while the others went through the 5 phases of grief long ago.

Thankfully for me, I went into it knowing that a revival was already on the way because I heard so much about it. I certainly wasn't as gutted as you were after seeing the finale.

(I guess it is the good place to write some feedback: for the record, I think the show deserves most of its praise though everybody here knows that it stopped being consistently good after the killer reveal. Without the finale, I would recommend a newcommer to stop watching after the end of this storyline. And honestly I think that I would hate this show if it never revealed who it was. As for the movie, I really enjoyed the Teresa investigation but I don't dig Laura's part, I found it very confusing at first but that probably was the intention. IMO, the mysteries the movie and the second half and especially the finale of season 2 brought explain why this show kept its cult following. As for the revival, I expect to still have things to ponder about but with still some sort of closure a la Mulholland Drive/Lost Highway and I am not sure that I would like having as much unanswered questions as we have now).
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Xavi »

Dead Dog wrote:I never wanted any more TP. I always felt the series finale was pitch perfect, in both concept and execution. And while it is always heartbreaking for me to see Dale in his post-Black Lodge state, it's that haunting kind of non-closure that I'm always so attracted to in the arts. Obviously, once season three was announced I became excited, but it isn't anything I ever really wished for. Even now I have some reservations about it. Part of me still wants Episode 29 to be the final act, a mystery that we'll never really get the answers to.
I fully agree with this.

First time ever that I saw a Lynch creation was in the cinema when it run Wild At Heart. During the aftermath my conclusion was that Lynch was too violent to my taste; I didn't grasp any of the deeper layering in the story. It lasted until Lost Highway until I re-encountered Lynch in the cinema. This time I was too drunk to understand what I was being experiencing in the dark, but a nightmarish ride it was indeed. My Lynch addiction really started at Mulholland Dr. I cut the 10 clues out of the newspaper and visited the cinema. Wow, this was some mystery. It stuck under my skull for the rest of my life.

Years past by, slowly and gradually, and I completed my collection of every footprint Lynch has left in the world of celluloid; up and including Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me, of course.

It was such a shame that Lynch had to reveal the mystery, and it resulted into a lot of crapy episodes. But somehow he managed to enhance the story by entering deeper and deeper into that mysterious world both wonderful and strange. The end of TP was a real blow on the head; something extraordinary hard to swallow, nevertheless a very suitable ending.

Then, last year, the rumour spread that TP after 25 years will continue with a season 3. C'mon. And now, it is for real. I've written #Mayday 21 in my diary.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Gabriel »

I've been waiting ever since the first UK broadcast of the end of season two for this. The film only made my impatience worse, as it feels like a filler piece setting up plot lines for a third season. The only thing I dread is that I won't like the new show!
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by Venus »

Since 1991 though when I heard it had been cancelled I kind of accepted that was it. Truly amazing it is coming back. After it being so pristine in my mind all these years I hope the new series really builds on what came before and has the same feel to it rather than something alien.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by N. Needleman »

I had accepted it was over a long time ago. To me, while I'd wished there'd been more, FWWM was a beautiful and unconventional conclusion to the story by bringing it back to Laura, the Red Room and a sort of quiet grace re: the fluidity of time and space and Cooper being there, able to help Laura ascend to the White Lodge. It started and ended with Laura's story and she was able to become free and happy, and Cooper was there. That was enough for me for closure, but granted I first watched FWWM around '97 or '98, so the concept that the show was not coming back had already pretty well sunk in and I didn't go into it expecting another big conclusion - I loved the movie and took it as the kind of more cosmic closure I could get.

FWWM was enough, but I would have loved more. I just never, ever, ever expected it. It still doesn't feel totally real, and that's largely due to the fact that they still have not produced a fucking trailer. :twisted: If I could just see some actual footage then it could really begin to hit me. But if there's nothing substantive shown between now and May I have no idea how I'll handle watching four straight hours of new Twin Peaks - it's a lot to take in when it's been a part of me for this long.
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Re: How long have you been waiting for season 3 of Twin Peaks?

Post by dronerstone »

Seen a few episodes up until the killer reveal TV finale (used in Austria) back in 91/92 (?) but at 9 years old I was a wee bit young to catch up weekly.

Therefore, first conscious and complete rewatch happened in 2005, making the wait 12 years.
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