How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by kim 13781 »

When ever I have a TP marathon I am constantly ridiculed, by my family who think the show was just one big waste of time, comments such as what stupid actors and stupid storylines are but of a few comments that come to mind, get a life it's been nearly 20 years since that was on ect ect ect.
It does not bother me though I still love it and alway's will and I am going to start my marathon again very soon. :)
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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by Audrey Horne »

Hokey variety show? Sorry, don't know where that came from.

Actually, that's one thing I loved-the James, Donna, Maddy scene of Just You. Well, love now. (at the time, I probably just wanted the action to move along) Frost and Lynch were sending up and also celebrating all these genres. And I think it takes a lot of guts to put that scene in there -it has sort of a postmodern Lawrence Welch/ Sunday night family time, Ozzy and Hariet vibe going on. It takes a wink at other shows where they exploit a musical guest for ratings and so forth...and I just love that. And of course, to cap it off with Bob practically penetrating us through the television set only makes it more brilliant. Taking a familiar safe genre and breaking it.

And even Frost and production have talked about being in a weird limbo that had to get back on track. Earle just seems to be constantly shifting before they know what they want to settle on. (Chess moves, playing cards, stalking A,D & S) It has nothing to do with any of the acting or the writing -everyone is just fine and first rate (even when some of them are probably phoning it in by then), just a cohesive throughline. This is probably no different than other television shows -but when you have something so expectional in the first half, it's hard not to criticize. Of course, they got stuck with having to quickly deal with moving their B storylines to the forefront after Maclachlan nixed the A storyline of Audrey/Cooper, so I understand it was going to be tricky and bumpy.

With a marathon, I really just always go from the pilot to the finding of Maddy's body because it seems completely unified. The Wheeler/Audrey plot and the Annie/Cooper plot are the same storylines that have to take up double the time and feel rushed (of course it would have to be), the Donna storyline of who her father is weak because we know the answer (or can guess) several episodes before it and are just too ahead of the show itself instead of being surprised and titilated. So instead, I'm just watching to appreciate the nuances in the acting or some of the fun in the writing, and sighing to myself what could have been. And I agree with Maclachlan of just too many new characters. Too many characters that are in the forefront pushing the original core characters to the background.

kim, there's a simple solution for your problem. Just get new family and friends. :wink:
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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by kim 13781 »

:lol: Thanks for the advice Audrey I can change my friends but can't change my family unfortunately :lol:
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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by Owl Lady »

I am running one at the moment (on my days off from work, so that I can watch at least a couple of discs'-worth of episodes at a time). Leland/Bob has just killed Maddy...
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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by Coffee »

I like to watch the COMPLETE show w/FWWM around every two years. I don't understand how anyone could hop around, watching random episodes. It's not like it's an episodic programme. The show builds to specific climaxes built within it - you would certainly loose the shows momentum if you watch it like that.

I'm thinking about not watching the whole show until the Blu-ray release of the entire series gets a release.
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Re: How Often Do You Have A Twin Peaks Marathon?

Post by They-Shot-Waldo! »

I love re-watching the show after having deliberately set it aside for months, or even thought about it... or even sometimes with box-sets of another show. (Which never repeats my experience of watching TP mind). :) It's great coming back to it refreshed, and it just sucks you right back in.

I don't think anything matches the consistent quality across the board for season one - writing, acting, directing; there's an excellent self-contained quality to that run of episodes that sets the bar perhaps too high. It says so much for the show that it still has that magic to newcomers all these years later.

I do very much agree with Audrey the second half of the series stalls badly, I would even argue some of the early second season episodes before the killer reveal are still a bit patchy in parts. I always love using other friends as a litmus test when they're watching the show, and it's interesting to see their own enthusiasm dampen once the second season starts for them.

... that said, as a fan, can't get enough of it all. :D By now, I find the Wheeler\Annie stuff forgiveable, if you just work it out like in my own little universe those two characters are speed-bumps on the way to Cooper\Audrey in the never-to-be season three. ;)
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