"Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Evenreven »

NoiselessFan wrote:Do you have any experience writing screenplays - are you acquainted with the format, I mean? If not, you should learn, it be fun to convert these ideas into script form, scene by scene, on down the line.
It will be done. My computer died in the middle of writing, and when I got a new one I found a few obstacles in the treatments of the early episodes. One of the episodes was a bit short and I had to write a lot of the dialogue from scratch, and the other one (with Harold Smith's imagined funeral) had a plot hole that I struggled to patch up.

Once I finalise the next three, it will actually be pretty simple since Audrey's treatments got longer and longer for each episode. There's one more plot hole coming up, but I hope I'll get an idea before then. Or maybe I'll just leave it like that, for imagined fan speculation. :)

If you have a whole week to spare, I recommend reading the entire "...changes" thread. And I'm not just saying that since I'm the other chief contributor. It's a lot of fun. At least it was fun writing it.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »

oh let me know the plot hole and I'll see what I can do. Can't remember what it was but have to look back at those first kickoff episodes.

and the Audrey thread is coming back. Did a draft for the next episode which is pretty much a recap of the themes visited already.

Although the rescue of Audrey Horne from One-Eyed Jacks is centered around her, it's very little about her character. There's a wonderful essay from Wrapped in Plastic that can be touched on for this next entry that culminates all the previous fairytale aspects to my episode posts.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Evenreven »

I'm looking forward to your Audrey in episode 13 post! "Can you catch me?"

I can't remember the plot hole completely myself! But it had something to do with Hank finding Josie. Or the other way around. Your Hank plot was great, but I'm pretty sure that at one point it got so complex that no one would know what was happening anyway. Like the real Ghostwood plot, only crazier. Anyway, don't worry about it. When I get there with the scripts, I'll try to find out if it matters or if it can just happen like you wrote it. That's definitely not what's keeping me.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by CooperlovesAudrey »

Hi everyone,

I'm new, but I've been looking for a board, more importantly, a thread that talks about Cooper and Audrey's relationship. I just finished watching the whole show (started a week ago) and I LOVED it so much. The first season was amazing, even with all the great shows out there today, nothing compares to Twin Peaks. It's probably the only show I feel attached to and have grown a personal connection with. It's something I can call my own, my private fantasy, my private paradise. I had high hopes after watching the first season, but by mid-second season, the show started to lose its edge and I realized that Cooper and Audrey's relationship would never materialize...In short, I was deeply disappointed and I still am. I'm glad I've found this forum because I was starting to feel like I was the only one lamenting over something that's already been sealed years ago and it was not a good feeling, especially with Annie-lovers telling me to "get over it". I really wished the writers pursued the Cooper and Audrey relationship. The only thing that has helped me to love the show unconditionally is the remains of the first season and traces/scenes hinting us of Cooper's love for Audrey...*sigh...maybe I've somehow forgiven the writers for sliding Annie in the story and Wheeler, but I bet it would've been a whole other magical experience to watch Cooper and Audrey's storyline unfold. I've read all your posts (I have a lot of time ;P) and I want to say, "Thanks"-- for saving me major ranting time. I agree with all the points stated (those who love Cooper/Audrey). How I wish I can turn back time and be Kyle Mclachlan's conscience to stop him from making this mistake...too bad I can't. I guess it would make me feel a lot better if they didn't suddenly take Audrey out of the picture and replace her with Annie, and Cooper replaced by Wheeler...I hate how Audrey gave up her virginity to a guy she barely knew or as an audience, I, haven't grown to love...oh well.

Thanks for reading (if you have been).

And thank you especially to Audrey Horne for all her character analysis on Audrey. You have uttered ideas that have crossed my mind, but I have never been able to "put on paper". Thank you for your incredible insight. It was as if I was watching and reliving the show all over again.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »

Thanks, CooplovesAudrey! (can't argue with that screen name)

loved reading about your experience while watching Peaks for the first time. It aways brings me joy to find people discovering this masterpiece of a show for the first time.

I can't imagine the people that can just watch one episode after another immediately and what it is like for them. So much of the delicious torture of this show back in the day was as soon as it ended, racing back and rewatching it and agonizing over every detail until next week's episode.

If you have the patience, read through the Changes thread where a few of us fanatically reworked the series if there wasn't the derailing of the Audrey/Cooper arc. I think it worked out pretty swell.

Hope to keep seeing you post. And glad you're a Peaker.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by NoiselessFan »

Have finally gotten myself geared up to read your alternative season 2 cooper/audrey subplot. Great so far. You guys should write a book (seriously)!
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »

Oh yeah! Enjoy.

It was a lot of fun to do. And even in that one there are stuff I would have complained about if I were a viewer- just tried to make it as close to a possible what if as possible -with highs and lows, production points, different styles per episodes based on director, certain people being only in certain episodes, what sets would be available, blah, blah, blah.

My internet is down at home for some reason again -but should have time soon to get back into this thread again.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Evenreven »

I enjoyed writing the hokey stuff even more than the serious parts. Writing the first draft of the Briggs' Easter dinner (introducing the Major's floral apron and mad cooking skills) was really fun.

I need help.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »

oh yeah, good times. "Yes, Robert. I believe I can be cool."

the whole thing was so much fun. My life has been so crazy and busy lately. But I'll finish up the final four episodes -and of course this Audrey thread.

I just have to get into the zone again.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Jerry Horne »

One of my favorite Fenn pictures.
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »

Audrey smirks at that picture -it meets her approval, and also asks, "What else?"

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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »





God, I love this music. Isn't it too dreamy?
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by kim 13781 »

Hi I also think that Audrey is great she is by far my most favourite female character in Twin Peaks, she is a good strong character and very intelligent as well as very beautiful.
My favourite character is Agent Cooper and I so wish him and Audrey had got together they seem made for each other and it would have been a great storyline but no he ended up with the ex-nun Annie :( give me Audrey any day.
Still we can't have everything we want can we!
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by Audrey Horne »


Sherilyn Fenn in Exposure September 1990 - fenn FATALE
by Martha Frankel


Out of nowhere comes Twin Peaks' Sherilyn Fenn -talented, drop-dead gorgeous and built to last.

Forget the Dresden Beauty and the flickering, coy talent "” it was Sherilyn Fenn's tongue that made her a star. Sure, we noticed her as the weird, wacky, wicked Audrey Horne on the very first episode of Twin Peeaks doing that bizarre, Martha Graham-esque dance in decidedly dated saddle shoes. Sadly, however, like most supporting players in an ensemble cast, her fate as a relegated sideshow seemed unavoidable. Thankfully, for both us and her, this was not the case. As the weeks wore on, the superbly sublime, effortlessly mysterious Sherilyn seemed to pop up everywhere, a TV Garbo enveloped in cliffhanger mists. The girl had no shame. She spied on her evil father, Ben Horne (owner of the Great Northern Hotel), while he plotted with his many mistresses; she slithered her way into a job at a department store so she could help special agent Dale Cooper catch Laura Palmer's killer; she greeted agent Cooper in his bed (au naturel!) and convinced a madame to hire her as a brothel prostitute. By the time she took that cherry stem into her mouth and twisted it into a deliciously perfect knot, her star status was assured. The buzz about this relatively unknown upstart is already au courant cocktail chatter. Dean Stockwell, cornered at a party recently and asked whom he thought the hottest person in Hollywood was, didn't drop a beat berore answering "Sherilyn Fenn, that girl from Twin Peaks."When asked to define her ethereal allure, the always non-sensical David Lynch, producer of Twin Peaks, raves "She's five feet of heaven in a ponytail."Men adore her. My friend Roger, normally a reasonable guy, found her so provocative that if given one wish, he would be Johnny Depp and date Sherilyn. And women say that watching Fenn's smoldering, off-the-shoulder sexuality in motion is like having your deepest desires flashed on screen.
Raised in Michigan by her mother (her parents divorced when she was three), Fenn says that she never gave much thought to being an actress. "My mother's family was very musical,"she says. "My mother and her sisters (one of who was Susie Quatro) had an all-girl band when they were young. They tried to get me interested in music, but I was too timid. I wanted to do something that didn't put you in the spotlight, like be a hairdresser or a waitress. Or maybe a stewardess,"she chuckles.
When she was seventeen, her mother got tired of the cold and they moved to Los Angeles. Shortly after, an intuitive agent recognized her raw talent and convinced her to start acting. She began taking classes and got her first feature film, which shall remain nameless. "They were filming in Yugoslavia,"she cringes, covering her eyes with her hands. "You can imagine how excited I was. It was my first picture and my first time away from home. My first minute in front of the camera, I froze. I yelled "˜cut!' and everyone went berserk. I learned then that only the director can stop the picture. Of course, the movie was never released."After that came a sting of other movies, none of them career jump-starters: Meridian, ("Oh, please, don't mention that. It's one of those things that comes back to haunt you.") Just One Of The Guys, Back Street Strays, Desire, Hell at the Sunset Motel and the sexually explicit Two Moon Junction.
Sitting across from me, Sherilyn looks like a waif. She is smaller and thinner than she appears on screen, and her face is the fabulous sum of its parts: her lush brows meet above her eyes to form two impossibly perfect meridians, her eyes are the color of sapphires, her lips like those of a Kewpie doll's. She wears sandals, jeans, a blouse and a cardigan, which she gathers together in front of her to hide her decolletage the way only a woman who is used to being ogled by men would.
Has she seen what The National Enquirer said about her? She hides her head. The dish: reportedly, the wives of the actors on her last movie, Dillinger, a made-for-TV epic, started showing up on the set after it was rumored that she was walking around in cleavage-amplifying halter tops and buttock-baring hotpants.
"Oh, that's such shit!"she shrieks. "Do I look like the type who wears too-tight halters and skimpy shorts?"
No, I say, but tell her that she could, of course, pull off such an ensemble.
"Thanks, but that's not my kind of outfit. I'm basically a shy person. And besides, this is how you can tell what crap that is: it was freezing when we filmed. I was wearing long pants and boots, for God's sake."
"Simmer down, girl. It's because they're trying to figure out who you are. You came out of nowhere,"I add.
Sherilyn leans back, and a look that says she's heard this before skates across her face. "I've done a lot of work,"she says. "I made thirteen films before Twin Peaks. Of course, most of them were never released. Or if they were, you didn't see them."
Lots of people, it seems "” especially lonely men with VCR's "” have seen Two Moon Junction.
A groan reverberates throughout the room. "I just had such high hopes for Two Moon Junction. People were brutal about it afterwards. I was expected to haul that film on my back like a piano. And so I bore the brunt of the criticism. I was given a role to fill and I did the best I could. I didn't cast the movie, I didn't direct it. I'm not that comfortable with my body and I knew the nudity would be a big challenge. Despite what The Enquirer says, I don't run around showing off my body. I had this romantic idea of how much I would learn. But when I saw it, I said, "˜God, the nudity is going to eclipse anything I tried to do.' I mean, some of the criticism was about how my body looked! I don't know, it still hurts me to think about that time. I'm trying now to become more whole and not to let that criticism get to me. It's a hard thing. I try to keep myself centered. I don't to to parties and all that. I don't think being seen or being in the right place is going to make me a better actress. None of that matters. I'm not going to find what I'm looking for at those places. I care about my work and try to do what's right in my heart."
In an industry that thrives on recycling classic images (so original, Hollywood), it should come as no surprise that Sherilyn Fenn is being compared to women of yesteryear to whom she bears more than a passing resemblance. Physically, she does indeed look like a hybrid of Vivien Leigh and Ava Gardner. Although a post-Kennedy baby, she has the countenance and bearing of an FDR-era star.
"I've heard that, too,"she says, "and let me tell you, it's very flattering to be compared to Vivien Leigh, because she was such a fabulous actress. But those women were tragic. There was such sadness associated with them. And they got put into these boxesthey just wanted them to play the same role over and over. Not me. I just don't see myself that way. So yes, it's flattering. But no thanks, honey."
Although she'll bypass the victimization of that era gone by, she is not above trying on the period's accessories now and again. "The thing that was neat about the old days,"she exclaims, "was that women were women, and they were encouraged to be women. I love that. There are all these different sides to me, but that's certainly one side I loveto be dressed up and feel beautiful. To be in a great gown, and have my hair and my makeup perfect, to have my nails just right. And to have the perfect underwear on underneath. I love that look."
And David Lynch "” that most twisted of prime-time Svengalis "” clearly loved hers.
"He doesn't make people read,"she says, a smile pulling at her face as she thinks about Lynch. "He just finds people whose look he likes and hires them. When I met with him, I was in my new phase of not doing something just so I would be liked. I wanted to just be myself, and I'm shy, so I acted kind of, well, shy. I didn't try to push the conversation when there was a lull or say thing I thought he wanted to hear. If it goes okay, I thought, then good. If not, that's that. Consequently, they thought I didn't like the script! But David responded to me and cast me as Audrey. And her role just blossomed. [Producer/director/writer] Mark Frost told me that Audrey was his favorite character and they kep writing more and more for her. Audrey has let me embrace every power that people call bad or bitchy or wicked. After Two Moon Junction, I was in a shell. I felt dirty and bad and confused. I wore baggy dresses for a long time. I was embarassed doing Audrey, but David and everyone there was so supportive. When I saw the pilot I just laughed. Something happened I thought, this character has a life of her own. It was an incredible feeling, because I usually hate to see my work."
"So,"I ask, veering off to ask the question all of America wants to know. "Do you know who killed Laura Palmer?"
"No. Truthfully, I don't."
"Let's go to a psychic and ask her,"I suggest.
"What? You mean right now?"
"Yeah, we'll go down to Sweetzer, I think there's one there. We'll just go in and ask her if you did it, or if she knows who did."
The mischievous look that comes over her face is pure Audrey Horne. She picks up her keys, smiles and says, "There's one right near here on Sunset. Let's go."
The door opens right into the psychic's living room. She sits on an orange couch, pushing back her cuticles, while her son lies on the drab carpeting wathing Star Trek. The five o'clock sun streams into the place, bounces off a metallic surface and cruelly illuminates double taleum powder rings that stain the armpit areas of the psychic's housedress. It's just so Twin Peaks that we don't even laugh.
"Whaddya want?"she inquires. "A past lives reading? A future reading? A present reading?"
"A present reading,"says Sherilyn deadpan, "but we want to know something that happened a few months ago."
She sits down and the psychic takes her hand. I freeze. What if she sees something terrible?
This is a good idea for the article, but I don't want to screw up her life. "We can leave if you want,"I say.
But Sherilyn just shakes her head and looks at the woman.
"You have a long life ahead of you,"the old crone says. "You're gonna live to be ninety-five. This is amazing! All I see for you is good luck and happiness. Is your career going well?"
"Yes, I guess it is,"says Sherilyn.
"What do you do?"the psychic asks, making both of us think she might not be too good at her job.
"I'm an actress. I'm in a weeklysort of soap opera."
"Well, you're going to be very succesful. Everything I see here says that there are no tragedies ahead, no illness, nothing terrible. Just lots of luck and happiness!"
Sherilyn suddenly turns into a vivacious version of Helen Keller. I kick her under the table and she comes out of her mute trance. "Oh,"she says. "Do you know who killed Laura Palmer?"
The psychic doesn't bat an eyelash. "It was her friend."
"Was it her?"I ask jerking my thumb towards Sherilyn.
"No, no, definitely not. It was someone else and they haven't been caught yet. I can't see the name but I know the initials. The first name begins with "˜M' and the last name is "˜G.' Yes, "˜M.G.', that's the person's initials."
"Do you see anything else?"Sherilyn says.
"Just this. You were born under a lucky star. And it's going to protect you."
"Do you think it was Madeline?"Sherilyn says in the safety of the car, referring to Laura Palmer's look-a-like cousin. "Her first name starts with an M. What is her last name? I didn't think she did it, but maybe."Something catches her eye in the rear-view mirror. "Oh God, don't look, but my boyfriend's in the car behind us."
I look. And convince Sherilyn to let him pull up next to us. Introductions are made at 60 MPH, plans for dinner are arranged, lots of smiles are exchanged (sorry "” I promised not to divulge his identity. But he's an actor, he's very cute, and before he pulled away, he gave us the peace sign).
"Now that's weird, huh?"says Sherilyn, still basking in the glow of the psychic's report. "With all the people in this city, I look up and see him behind us. What are the chances of that happening?"she muses. "A lucky starwell, I can believe that now. Lots of hard work and a lucky staryou can't beat that, can you?'"
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Re: "Do your palms ever itch?" All things Audrey

Post by They-Shot-Waldo! »

Goes without saying in my case -- but great finds all, Audrey! :D Just finished watching season one there last night. Heart-breaking to think the next season can't keep up the consistent quality in a run of episodes.
-- Gerry

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