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Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:51 pm
by crash_and_burn
Rex wrote:I just canceled my Showtime subscription on Amazon.

I was fully prepared to buy Season 3 as soon as it hit DVD.

I'm going to rewatch the first two seasons ad nauseum and forget Season 3 ever existed.
I'm just going to continue telling everyone that FWWM is the only essential Twin Peaks, everything before and after is ... just a dream.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:52 pm
by Jonah
You know, there's a few intriguing aspects of Part 18 that I think I'll enjoy discussing/analysing from a more critical or academic standpoint, but - like much of this season - I didn't enjoy it while I was watching it. I was disappointed in the complete lack of story resolution to so many threads (and yes, I know, maybe that's the point). But I stand by what I said earlier. That I found it, aside from all of that, aside from all expectations, just dull to watch. And not because of the lack of plot momentum. I loved Episode 29 and was so enthralled and thrilled by its strangeness and otherworldliness that I didn't care about plot momentum. But Part 18 .... I just didn't find any of that last hour (aside from a few tiny intriguing tidbits - the horse ornament, the diner called Judy's, the mention of Richard/Linda/Chalfonts/Tremonds).

I reserve the right to re-evaluate it at a later stage when I've had time to rewatch and it's not so late. (It's very late here.)

I enjoyed Part 17 (though not so much the Bob battle bit) and what I "think" that part was trying to do. I'm starting to wonder if 17 was presenting an absurd, over the top retcon to the story - playing with expectations of being both touching and infuriating ("look how touching it is that Cooper is stepping back in time to save Laura but how dare they discard the original premise!") and then 18 completely blasted that by having Cooper possibly alienating himself and Laura into another (realm? dimension?). I also sort of like, thinking back on it, how anti-finale it was - stripping back everything, almost all the characters, locations, story. But emotionally and visually, I just felt really dejected. Also, it's so hard to attempt to critique anything by Lynch because as soon as you do, you're told that's the point, go watch something else, yada yada yada. Anyway, I just found Part 18 boring for the most part, not at all suspenseful or visually stunning. I'm all for weird and impenetrable, but it just felt cold and meandering. Anyway, I'm going to chalk this one down as something I need to rewatch before I say more.

Looking back on the series as a whole, is anyone who does love this series disappointed by the lack of more resolution, though, to Sarah Palmer, Audrey, and Becky at the very least? And what about Leland Palmer only getting two lines "Find Laura"? Where the Palmers are concerned, I still think that behind the scenes feature shot for the blu-ray that Lynch scripted offered a lot more insight and depth to their characters than this entire series. It just seems like a strange choice to go from something like that to almost completely disregarding their characters in this series. But then again, yes, maybe that's the point too. Especially if this is all meant to be some sort of dream.

Ok. Sleep-deprived rant/gut reaction over. It's late so signing off. At the very least, I'm glad to see the show trending for so many hours on Twitter (it's been trending all day almost!) and I'm always up for more TP/Lynch, even when I'm disappointed, so would be happy to hear Season 4 or another movie is in the works, whether we get resolution or not. ;)

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:52 pm
by Jasper
dugpa wrote:Was it my imagination or was there a scene that looked like a factory filled with Phillip Jeffries Teapot Pods?
I think that was off to the side (maybe in an adjoining room) of the Fireman's theater.
Rex wrote:
SpookyDollhouse wrote:
Rex wrote:
It's not a horse. It's a colt/filly.
Splitting hairs. :P
Is it? With Lynch?

It's the difference between a young horse and an adult one.

Time has some significance here.
The figure could have additional meaning due to its youth, but it's certainly a representation of a horse.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:53 pm
by Rex
N. Needleman wrote:
TwinsPeak wrote:Can you explain more what you mean by Cooper didnt know what he was talking about? I have also always thought Cooper told Laura the wrong thing, please explain how you interpret it.
Cooper tells Laura not to take the ring because he is trying to save her life. But the ring was the only thing that could save Laura's soul from BOB and deliver her to salvation, despite her having to die to do so. He was missing the big picture.

Cooper does the same here - tries to save Laura, succeeds. It does not go well.
How do you figure? The ring always ends up back in the Black Lodge.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:53 pm
by ThumbsUp
The story of the girl who lived down the lane.

Audrey said the same thing to Charlie. Charlie threatened to end her story. Sarah told Hawk it's a god damn bad story.

"Story" = a particular timeline, dimension, parallel universe? Carrie had to get her coat like Audrey had to, the phone was ringing in Carrie's and Audrey was sick of waiting for the phone to ring.

I think Audrey's whole thread was to foreshadow the system of dreamers/dreams that the entire TP universe seems to be functioning in.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:56 pm
by krishnanspace
Mind blown!!!!! Wtf did I just witness!! Was it all a dream?

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:58 pm
by SpookyDollhouse
Rex wrote:
SpookyDollhouse wrote:
Rex wrote:
It's not a horse. It's a colt/filly.
Splitting hairs. :P
Is it? With Lynch?

It's the difference between a young horse and an adult one.

Time has some significance here.
Sorry I misread you, I thought you were getting at "IT'S NOT A HORSE IT'S ACTUALLY..."
but yea I get you

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:00 pm
by Rex
As I posted in another thread, what killed this "resurrection" was the loss of the Cozy Factor. The original series almost all took place in TP, although even the scenes at One-Eyed Jack's were still great because we were dealing with familiar characters and the Northwoods atmosphere.

There was no intimacy in this season. Incredibly disappointing.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:01 pm
by BigEd
Tailsun wrote:
richsmith wrote:Does anyone have any thoughts about the incredibly disturbing Sarah Palmer scene, in which she smashes and stabs at the iconic Laura prom queen photograph? I'm assuming it's not a coincidence that right after it Laura disappears from Cooper's sight?
I haven't gone back to look yet, but I'm pretty sure the photo started to bulge out of the frame towards the end, like something was about to burst out of it.
The picture would not be destroyed. No matter how many times Sarah stabbed it, the picture just kept regenerating. Maybe the demon possessed Sarah "stabbing" at the good golden globe soul of Laura?

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:01 pm
by kylie
Noticed this on first viewing but didn't make a connection til the second: At the very end the electricity goes out in the Palmer house. Then after the credits, the usual Lynch/Frost slate is silent instead of making the electricity noise.

I read that as it's over for good. No season 4.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:05 pm
by billloomis
yaxomoxay wrote:One question. Shouldn't the fact that the Double R has no To Go sign and that Tremond is young indicate that they are in the past?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dead on! the missing double r to go painting was a huge red flag to me. They clearly frame it so that you notice. They also did not show the twin peaks sign either when they drive in. Almost makes me wonder if this is not tp anymore?

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:06 pm
by ThumbsUp
Coop looking for Laura/Carrie the waitress at the diner was the same as Chester looking for Teresa Banks the waitress at the diner in Fire Walk With Me.

Lots of infinite loops (the 8 Jeffries showed Coop can be construed as the infinity symbol).

Total Mulholland Drive moment in the diner as well. Do you think the waitress's resemblance to Becky/Amanda Seyfried was intentional?

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:08 pm
by ThumbsUp
BigEd wrote:As this sinks in, I'm getting a strong MD feel. The "dream" has a happy ending (Bob is shattered, Mr. C is sent back to the lodge, Janey-E and Sonny Jim get the husband/dad they want, plenty of sandwiches for everybody, Laura is saved, etc.). Then we see an ugly real world. Idiots with guns harassing a hard working waitress (at "Judy's diner" no less), reborn Laura in serious trouble and perhaps some of the darkness we've seen in TP like Steven/Becky, zombie girl, etc. I think Laura screamed for all of us at the end.
Great post. I agree; MD was all that was on my mind during part 18.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:10 pm
by ThumbsUp
Cappy wrote:
Ashok wrote:I'm totally confused by the timeline after Cooper left the Sheriff station. Was everything at the end of Part 17 and 18 linear from Cooper's POV or were we seeing everything out of order? I honestly don't understand Part 18 at all.
I'm confused by this too, but just before Naido is revealed as Diane they start superimposing Cooper's face over the screen... I think when that starts it becomes a sort of subjective experience where Cooper and his doppelganger become one, and maybe ep. 18 is the disparate parts of Cooper's soul trying to resolve itself. Maybe?
My friend pointed out that it parallels Laura's homecoming photo be superimposed on the screen at the beginning of every episode. After all, Coop and Laura are the heroes of Twin Peaks.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:13 pm
by N. Needleman
ThumbsUp wrote:Lots of infinite loops (the 8 Jeffries showed Coop can be construed as the infinity symbol).
Yeeeppp. Oof. Oh, Coop.
Total Mulholland Drive moment in the diner as well. Do you think the waitress's resemblance to Becky/Amanda Seyfried was intentional?
I thought it was Annie for a few moments.
ThumbsUp wrote:After all, Coop and Laura are the heroes of Twin Peaks.
Antiheroes now, perhaps.