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Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:38 am
by The Archivist
opium wrote:Not sure if anyone brought this up, but the numbers on the vault that Cooper approaches in Part 3 looks exactly like the number(s) on the electrical poles in FWWM when Coop investigates Carl Rodd's trailer park. I suspect it has little to do with anything except being a reference but I thought it was kind of a cool physical connection between the two worlds.
The same font was used in Mulholland Drive, for the house numbers if I remember correctly. Lynch must really love that font :D

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:42 am
by Normonaut
Yes the lack of emorion in Badcoop is what makes me think BOB is either not there, or he's suppressed completely. The only thing that makes me think Badcoop even has BOB is "and I will be with BOB again"

Another thing we must assume is missing on Cooper in Dougie's world is his FBI badge. He must have carried it into the lodge, but Jade does not find it when she goes through his pockets.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:45 am
by The Archivist
MoondogJR wrote:
garethw wrote:
Heh, exactly.

There are real places that feel that utterly artificial.
They sure don't like trees in Rancho Rosa...
I noticed that too. It looks like a standard movie or TV, where the husband cheats on his wife with prostitutes and is indebted to some bad people.
Is Good Coop stuck in "Invitation to Love"?

The prostitute is called Jade, like on the characters of Invitation to Love in the original show.

I found this in the meantime, which could be of interest to some :D

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:07 am
by mtwentz
somevelvetmorning wrote:
mtwentz wrote:
He does torture Darya for a few minutes before killing her. Mostly torturing her with the knowledge she is about to die.

In the case of Mrs. Hastings, Bad Coop is setting up George to take the fall, so to touch her or prolong it in any way could risk leaving unwanted evidence at the scene of the crime.
Yes, he does punch her a few times and tells her she is going to die. But after she has told him all that he wants to know, he just shoots her. Like he is doing some mundane task, he looks bored. BOB took pleasure in killing, he enjoyed the whole game of being in control, of being the predator. Look at the scene where he kills Maddy. He is playing with her, he is smiling, he is having fun.

Yes, Bad Cooper is planning something. His intentions are something greater than just killing, and causing pain and fear. And that's why I think that BOB might still be around but not in control of Cooper.
I've always thought the whole 'Bob kills for pleasure' was a giant plothole though. If he was occupying Leland since he was a boy, shouldn't there have been a trail of bodies all over Washington?

And the killing of Teresa Banks appeared to be more about silencing her than getting any pleasure.

Bob does appear to have gained pleasure from torturing Laura since the age of 14. So maybe it's not the actual killing that gives Bob pleasure, but the abuse and molestation (and the illicit sex with prostitutes).

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:17 am
by HoodedMatt
Regarding Maddie's murder and Bad Coop killing Darya, is it just me or does BC throw punches in the same way Leland did?

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:18 am
by Doppler
Harry S. Truman wrote:
Harry S Truman wrote: Two Harry S Truman in this fórum?? we have been in a purpure room with machines?? :lol: :!:
You've been tricked! Now one of you has to delete his account.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:50 am
by OneEyedJack
Doppler wrote:
Harry S. Truman wrote:
Harry S Truman wrote: Two Harry S Truman in this fórum?? we have been in a purpure room with machines?? :lol: :!:
You've been tricked! Now one of you has to delete his account.
Or the newer account should change his name to Frank Truman.

Hey, when Naido touches Coops face, does that imply others are visiting that room? I think so.

And as someone somewhere mentioned about the shoes: When Coops shoes fall off in gateway #3, does Philip collect them from everyone who travels via these conduits and sell them?

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:48 am
by Maddy
My favourite parts so far about episode 3 &4:

Bad Coop/Good Coop and their assorted mysteries. I wonder how many bad Coop has killed in addition to those we've seen, he has been out of action for 25 years. You wouldn't think he would BE able to fool Gordon and Philip just by mentioning Jefferies, but it will be interesting to see what he has to say when he gets out of prison (that scene alone was great).
The garmonbozia/regurgation scenes honestly made me feel like I needed to barf and I found hard to watch, but the way Good Coop literally slipped in through the crevice of time into Dougie Jones afterards in his tux without the shoes was fantastic. When he won big on the jackpot I found funny and I thought Naomi Watts was a great choice as his wife. (The original Dougie Jones I wasn't that keen on, although I did like the Blue Velvet reference hence the yellow jacket). Because of the fact he was wearing yellow I had a feeling like "this character won't be here for much longer" then he vanished into the red room..
I only hope the coffee did infact wake "Dougie/Good Coop" up and he will get his memory back somehow.
Onto other things, Bobby's return was fantastic. Just to know that he has straightened his ways and takes himself more seriously now.
I like the new Sheriff, (Robert Foster) he did a fine job of standing in for Harry.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:00 am
by somevelvetmorning
mtwentz wrote:
I've always thought the whole 'Bob kills for pleasure' was a giant plothole though. If he was occupying Leland since he was a boy, shouldn't there have been a trail of bodies all over Washington?

And the killing of Teresa Banks appeared to be more about silencing her than getting any pleasure.

Bob does appear to have gained pleasure from torturing Laura since the age of 14. So maybe it's not the actual killing that gives Bob pleasure, but the abuse and molestation (and the illicit sex with prostitutes).
Perhaps not necessarily killing but causing pain and fear, maybe through the corruption of Leland as well. I always thought Leland was a good person (especially after seeing the moments before his death, when hes freed of BOB), so maybe having Leland do things, corrupting that good side of him, was feeding BOB as well. Perhaps there is also a time of "breaking in" the host. If we can assume that when Lelands hair turns white, is a sign that BOB is in total control of him, then that could explain the lack of killings, since BOB's influence over him wasn't strong enough.

I can agree with that. Like the murder of Jacques Renault, which also seemed to be more about silencing him and not about gaining pleasure from the kill itself. I'm assuming that is BOB's doing, since the event was accompanied by the smell of scorched oil.

About something else: Doesn't the rock like thing, that Dougie is transformed into, look a bit like the head of The Evolution of the Arm?

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:06 am
by dkenny78
mtwentz wrote: I've always thought the whole 'Bob kills for pleasure' was a giant plothole though. If he was occupying Leland since he was a boy, shouldn't there have been a trail of bodies all over Washington?
Well, we don't know for sure that he hasn't been killing since Leland was a boy - we just don't know of any victims prior to Theresa. For all we know, there could be tons of bodies wrapped in plastic hidden across the northwest. But that also doesn't make total sense because BOB never seems to be concerned about covering his tracks or hiding his victims - if anything, he wants them to be discovered.

The best explanation I've ever heard is that BOB has an 'incubation' period. Maybe he possessed Leland as a boy, but it wasn't until 30ish years had passed that he was able to take full control of his body and commit atrocities in his skin?

It did always bother me that BOB was presented as both this primeval, animalistic creature that literally consumed a substance that was defined as 'pain and sorrow,' and also as a criminal mastermind who maintained a cover identity and had serial killer calling-cards like the letters under the fingernail. The two reveal don't sync up in my opinion.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:19 am
by WindUpBird
Regarding the FBI badge, I'm almost certain that you see a flash of it dropping to the floor immediately in the wake of Coop's shoes, but it's seriously blink and miss it and I'm not 100% sure I'm not just seeing things.

I'm also curious as to when Cooper changed his shirt (from blue to white) between episode 29 and S3...

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 10:23 am
by Cappy
dkenny78 wrote: It did always bother me that BOB was presented as both this primeval, animalistic creature that literally consumed a substance that was defined as 'pain and sorrow,' and also as a criminal mastermind who maintained a cover identity and had serial killer calling-cards like the letters under the fingernail. The two reveal don't sync up in my opinion.
I never could fully understand why BOB/Leland would put the letters under the fingernails either. I know Cooper speculates that BOB is merely spelling his name, but I don't know what benefit the letter under the fingernail has. Maybe putting a letter under the fingernail claims the garmonbozia as his, and not MIKE's?

I like the idea that Leland felt guilty for his actions, and on some deep subconscious level he wanted to be caught so he could stop his crimes. Spelling out BOB's name (or ROBERT) in such a roundabout fashion could be one way of doing that. Even if the authorities didn't realize what the letters stood for, they would still recognize them as part of a MO and investigate further.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:07 am
by Touchstone
I think it makes sense to see Bob as a possessing spirit. So some actions are all him, some are all Leland, and some are the result of his influence on Leland. I could see the human part of Leland both fearing and yearning for discovery. Hence hiding his tracks but leaving a calling card that implicates the possessing demon. Additionally, the corruption and suffering and guilt Leland experiences is probably some of the pain Bob enjoys.

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:34 am
by rocketsan22
Episode 3 beginning at the 6:43 point, and sorry if this has been brought up...auditorally gave me memories of Johnny Horne banging his head on the doll house wearing a native head dress mixed with the sound of LMFAP making the Indian whooping noise...

Re: Parts 3 + 4 (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:44 am
by krishnanspace
WindUpBird wrote:Regarding the FBI badge, I'm almost certain that you see a flash of it dropping to the floor immediately in the wake of Coop's shoes, but it's seriously blink and miss it and I'm not 100% sure I'm not just seeing things.

I'm also curious as to when Cooper changed his shirt (from blue to white) between episode 29 and S3...
His tie too