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Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:56 pm
by Maddy

I think that end part was maybe Laura getting her memory back when she screamed.
I am gobsmacked at Coop's professional ethics and can't believe he shagged Diane of all ppl. I think really she wasn't that into it or she wouldn't have been covering his face. BOB cannot be dead, surely he couldn't be killed off that easily by Freddie.
Awesome scenes with the Giant and Major Briggs.
But my favourite had to be the saving Laura part. Finally we see what would have happened had she been saved that night.
But that ending surely they cannot just leave Laura/Carrie running round in circles screaming forever!
OMG there HAS to be a Season 4 or better yet a film explaining all this.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:57 pm
by Diane
I wish I knew what Laura whispered in Agent Cooper's ear. It seemed like it was something surprising/unpleasant.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:58 pm
by rocketsan22
Diane wrote:I wish I knew what Laura whispered in Agent Cooper's ear.
"I know...'fuck you, fans.'"

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:58 pm
by BEARisonFord
rocketsan22 wrote:
Diane wrote:I wish I knew what Laura whispered in Agent Cooper's ear.
"I know...'fuck you, fans.'"

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:59 pm
by crash_and_burn
So what happened to Beverley and her husband, and Ben? What happened with Audrey? Was Charlie her husband, doctor, shrink, care-taker, spirit-guide, baby-sitter? What about the zombie in the jail-cell? Was that Billy? Is Judy inside of Sarah Palmer? Where is Diane? Did we just watch the Richard and Linda show? How's Annie? How's Annie? HOW'S ANNIE?




This ending would have made more sense:

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:59 pm
by Jonah
The "curtain call" line was intriguing. When that line was first stated, I expected we'd see a literal curtain call (ala the closing credits of "Inland Empire") with all the cast appearing and bowing, perhaps in front of red curtains. Now I wonder if that's a hint for a bonus episode, Missing Pieces of some sort, or maybe even Season 4. (Part 18 was so disappointing I hope there's a bit more story - somewhere.)

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:00 pm
by garethw
djsunyc wrote:any explanation of cooper's face superimposed on the screen for alot of part 17?

Dunno, but I'm glad I re-read Ronnie Rocket recently, as it calls for exactly the same frozen image of a close-up of The Detective's face.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:00 pm
by billloomis
was it just me, or was there no RR TO GO painted on the side of the RR? Error or alternate reality? my brain hurts man.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:00 pm
by Maddy
Diane wrote:I wish I knew what Laura whispered in Agent Cooper's ear. It seemed like it was something surprising/unpleasant.

I know, me too! Now that Carrie came into it that "I am dead, yet still I live" is making more sense though.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:01 pm
by blue_tomorrows
Jonah wrote:Quick Thoughts on Part 18 -

Ugh. It was just awful. Single-handedly the worst episode of any TV show I've ever seen. The worst finale ever.

And I usually hate it when people say things like that and jump in to defend the writers/creators. But this was just awful. Even leaving aside the dashed/hopes expectations (of seeing Audrey again, of seeing a battle or a reunion between Laura and Sarah) it was dull. Even if it is somehow explained through a lot of creative apologist revisionist criticism and there's some deep metaphysical or metafictional explanation to Odessa and Carrie Page, it was just dull. I know it might all be a dream - or another level of reality - or Cooper somehow trying to save Laura and prevent/retcon her murder, screwed up reality - blah blah blah. No explanation - no matter how clever - can save the fact that it was just a dull, tedious hour of TV. This wasn't "Mulholland Drive" or even "Inland Empire". Even with the latter, when you didn't know what was going on, the visuals and the style was alluring or intriguing or shocking. This was just painfully boring. I've been mixed on this season - veering between disappointed and trying to make the best of it - and always admitted it was not the "Twin Peaks" revival I had dreamed/hoped/longed for, but tried to make the best of it and always respected the creators' choices to follow their own truth and vision, but this was just not great imo.

Ok so....

On a bigger note:

No resolution to Becky. Or Shelley. Or Red. Or Sarah. Or (and this is the hardest to swallow) Audrey. Let alone Annie, et al.

Oh well.

But again, even leaving aside expectations and dashed hopes for plot/character resolution, leaving ALL that aside, even viewing this as some sort of meta anti-narrative, this was just a tedious, boring episode. (That final scene - spoiled by TMZ - had a mildly intriguing Chalfont/Tremond connection, but was otherwise completely lacking in every department.)
Yes. Thank you. It wasn't even VISUALLY interesting, FFS!

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:01 pm
by sirpsychoswayze
I feel like that final episode was almost a meta-commentary on the entirety of The Return. I think the whole idea is that some things are meant to stay dead, trapped in amber, and that bringing them back can change them irrevocably. By bringing Laura back, they destroyed the reality of Twin Peaks - by bringing the show back, we may have destroyed Twin Peaks. Dale, Laura and the audience are all trapped in a purgatory together at the end of the series. It's one of the most nightmarish things I can imagine.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:02 pm
by guildnavigator
rocketsan22 wrote:No Harry appearance...
Jerry Horne had a hairy appearance

chip ain't got no phone

my nerves

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:02 pm
by BigEd
djsunyc wrote:any explanation of cooper's face superimposed on the screen for alot of part 17?
I thought it might be telling us that he is the dreamer.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:03 pm
by richsmith
Honestly, the only unresolved thing that's driving me utterly crazy was who exactly was behind the door at the Palmer house giving "Mrs. Chalfont" the answers to Cooper's questions.

Re: Part 18 - What is your name? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:05 pm
by Diane
One thing I just have to say...I never would have guessed that the last episode would have Agent Cooper picking up Laura Palmer in Odessa, Texas.