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Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:29 pm
by dud
another interesting tidbit from the subreddit:

bad coop's police report next to his mugshot says 'place of birth: buckhorn, sd'

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:42 pm
by dud
more subreddit gold:

so the 3 and 15 portals have the same font as the 6 on the electrical pole in fwwm

we now know the spirits travel via electricity

seems like fat trout is a portal as well

so that could explain chet's disappearance, the chalfont/tremonds living there, carl rodd 'going places', 'let's rock' on the car, etc

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:43 pm
by N. Needleman
dud wrote:more subreddit gold:

so the 3 and 15 portals have the same font as the 6 on the electrical pole in fwwm
I noticed this as well.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:50 pm
by Hester Prynne
Posted this on the main thread, but probably should have posted it here - the portals "3" and "15" together are 315 - Cooper's room number at the Great Northen.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:09 pm
by HagbardCeline
dud wrote:ooo someone made a cool find on the subreddit:

one of the cop cars that shows up to Hastings house says 119 on it, maybe a connection to the druggie lady saying 119?
I thought some part of her wanted her son to call 911, but maybe I'm just being optimistic.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:16 pm
by Mr. Jackpots
AXX°N N. wrote:Wow, I guess people really are besotted with arguing the merits -- there' so little discussion here!

I also assumed that the odd device Evil Coop uses was stolen from Briggs, because TSHOTP makes an effort to establish the listening station as a location with state-of-the-art doodads. Although I have to wonder if Coop is manipulating the device in some odd way, or perhaps using Coop's personal info to access
If good coop can manipulate those slot machines. Bad coop can manipulate his strange device. These entities are made of electricity after all.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:21 pm
by Mr. Jackpots
derekfnord wrote:
Oneeyedwaldo wrote:Just watched part 4 again and at the end Gordon says to Albert that there's one person that should look at Cooper before they make a decision on it being a blue rose case.
Who do we think that is or am I missing something and it's obvious?
Albert also says he knows where she drinks, and then the next scene they cut to is at the bar in Twin Peaks.

If the scene transition was intentionally significant, it suggests that she's in Twin Peaks, and the bar is where she drinks. That suggests Audrey Horne (who has been conspicuous by her absence), or perhaps Sarah Palmer (who is known to be able to "see" BOB).

Another possibility is Diane...
My initial suspicion is they are referring to Sarah Palmer. But, I would love it if we got see Diane, and that's who they meant.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:36 pm
by Meowzer
An observation:

The ant card Evil Coop shows to the girl he kills looks like the symbol from the caves.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:39 pm
by Cipher
Wonderful & Strange wrote:By the way, someone on Youtube mentioned that the substance the Coops are throwing up is Garmonbozia.

Pretty cool if true.
I don't think that was meant to be hidden; Bad Coop seems to throw up a combination of creamed corn, blood, and a black substance ("motor oil"?).

Re: The dream interpretation: That's a cogent reading of the imagery present in the revival up to this point, but I don't believe it's going to be supported on a literal narrative level. Rather, it offers an interesting analysis to layer on top of the events and images we're seeing, helping to identify why the visuals and patterns may register emotionally and intellectually with viewers in certain ways.

Certainly in Twin Peaks and in Lynch's work in general, though, a literal reference to dreaming and dreamers is never too far away.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 7:53 pm
by Aerozhul
derekfnord wrote:
Oneeyedwaldo wrote:Just watched part 4 again and at the end Gordon says to Albert that there's one person that should look at Cooper before they make a decision on it being a blue rose case.
Who do we think that is or am I missing something and it's obvious?
Albert also says he knows where she drinks, and then the next scene they cut to is at the bar in Twin Peaks.

If the scene transition was intentionally significant, it suggests that she's in Twin Peaks, and the bar is where she drinks. That suggests Audrey Horne (who has been conspicuous by her absence), or perhaps Sarah Palmer (who is known to be able to "see" BOB).

Another possibility is Diane...
I think that the woman is Diane, and that she will be played by Laura Dern. The "I know where she drinks" line and the cut to the bar was coincidental - all of the new episodes cut to the bar and the "musical act of the week" at the end now. (Does anyone else find this incredibly hokey?!)

I don't think the woman can be Audrey or Annie - we know about Cooper's close connection to both of those women as the audience but doubtful that Cole or Albert view them as having a close connection to Coop - he was in Twin Peaks for about 2-3 weeks 25 years ago, and Annie was only really the last few days of that investigation (though Cole shared a meal with Coop/Annie at RR).

Sarah Palmer is another good guess, but again, I don't know that Cole or Albert have the same info on her psychic abilities that we do. If you think about it from the FBI perspective, Diane is the logical choice.

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:30 pm
by Audrey Horne
If it is Sarah, Albert says, "I know where she drinks." in response to Cole's "Do you know where she lives." He could be answering ironically meaning Sarah doesn't really live as much as she just drinks... As it looks like she just drinks and smokes in her home.

But the implication to Albert's answer is that the person with a possible answer has changed and is a complete alcoholic. And that it is probably meant to be a surprise. Sarah can work still. Diane seems like the safest bet though, and as a strong introduction to a new character... Drunken conversation how Cooper completely disillusioned her, or possibly worse. I think with the turn the show has taken, making Diane a real character doesn't take away from the power of her ambiguity from the original season.

Sarah seems too connected to the Laura Palmer mystery to be on Cole and Alberts radar this early in the story. Audrey or Annie (who I think will basically be the same person) seems to me being saved for a bigger reveal about their coma fate to be used for the alcoholic angle. And I don't think Albert or the FBI is going to Twin Peaks yet... If Audrey/Annie even lives there. I think it's going to be Diane, and it's going to be Laura Dern. Albert will talk to her a bit and then after a pregnant pause address her by name (!!!).

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:32 pm
by yaxomoxay
dud wrote:another interesting tidbit from the subreddit:

bad coop's police report next to his mugshot says 'place of birth: buckhorn, sd'
The mugshot's form also says that Cooper's birthdate is the same as Hastings - which is impossible (see thread on E3+E4)

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:41 pm
by HagbardCeline
Platypus2000 wrote:My initial suspicion is they are referring to Sarah Palmer. But, I would love it if we got see Diane, and that's who they meant.
A friend of mine was a pool-playing extra in a bar-scene with Grace Zabriskie, so that leads me to believe you may be right. (but I'm sure there are tons of characters who drink heavily, so maybe we're not narrowing it down by that clue, ha ha).

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 9:03 pm
by krishnanspace
yaxomoxay wrote:
dud wrote:another interesting tidbit from the subreddit:

bad coop's police report next to his mugshot says 'place of birth: buckhorn, sd'
The mugshot's form also says that Cooper's birthdate is the same as Hastings - which is impossible (see thread on E3+E4)
I noticed that. It said 1973. Isn't Cooper supposed to be 60 years old?

Re: Theories & Speculation (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 9:37 pm
by Brunohbt
Hey, I'm gonna repost a theory I had written back at the subreddit.
As I rewatched ep. 3 yesterday, I think it feels even more far fetched but, who knows, maybe something might come out of that.

I have this theory that, by now, has more holes than the NY couple combined, here it goes. It all starts with a look upon the structure of the narrative and how I feel that there's something not quite right.
The first couple episodes seem to build up to a special point in time where Bad Coop and Good Coop will be reunited at the Lodge. From Bad Coop's perspective that is the day after tomorrow (when he meets Darya, Ray and Jack at the diner) and then tomorrow (when he kills Darya).
After that we see him rushing down the highway, getting into an accident, being arrested and all that. Meanwhile we're led to believe that Dougie was manufactured in order to take Bad Coop's place in this "Black Lodge homecoming party".

The next episode also states that, on the day following Bad Cooper's arrest, he is visited by Gordon, Albert and Tamara "why am I so hyper-sexualized" Preston. (Remember Gordon mishearing Albert and saying something like: "I'm glad you're in a hurry, but we'll go tomorrow"?)
So, if we were to establish that the return of Bad Cooper to the Lodge is on day 0, we can say that he killed darya on day -1, went to the diner on day -2, and met Gordon on day +1, therefore being able to escape the optimal date of return.

Ok, so what's the problem then? Well, I think the scene where Hawk goes to Glastonbury Grove actually takes place on day 0, and is the culmination of the show. I think that, at that time he finds the good Agent Cooper as he leaves the Lodge, but the whole show is edited to make us think otherwise.
I believe the police station scenes take place before day 0. Remember how it is presented to us?
:arrow: Hawk gets a call from the Log Lady
:arrow: Hawk gathers Lucy and Andy so they'll look through Laura Palmer's casefiles
:arrow: Hawk says he'll get coffee and donuts
:arrow: Hawk goes to Glasntonbury Grove already knowing something important is hapenning that night
:arrow: Hawk goes back to the station with coffee and donuts, do not mention anything about his walk through the woods and leaves poor old log lady waiting for him with coffee and pie!!!!

In my opinion, the Hawk in the woods scene is suposed to be placed on the end of the list. I think it is the end of Hawk's search for Cooper, whereas, the Gordon/Bad Cooper timeline takes place days before what I'm calling day 0, coming before the murder of Darya, wich is supposed to happen on day -1 (Bad Coop says he's to go to the lodge "Tomorrow")

Here are a few of the points I will use to support and also discredit this theory:
:arrow: There's some clever editing in the Black Lodge Scenes. Starting with One Armed Man saying "Is it future or is it past" and then Laura saying Cooper could leave. Just a few minutes later, One Armed Man shows up again, repeats the "future or past" thing and brings Cooper to the arm who says "NOPE, for you to leave, the other one must come in". So why did Laura said he could leave already? Because the Laura Scene takes place after the encounter with the arm. I.E.: It was future. (pardon me for trying to factor time into the timelessness of the lodge)

:arrow: There's a particular take in the lodge that intrigues me (yup, just one. Like I understood everything else): Cooper goes to the curtains corridor and opens the curtains to leave. There's a very harsh cut in the scene and we see him in a slightly different position hitting what looks like a wall, not beeing able to go through the curtains. In a linear time I think that, at first Coop tried to leave and hit that wall, but on the future we we'll see him repeat the first part of the scene where he was actually able to go through the curtains.

:arrow: Maybe we're being led to believe that some important clues are non-sequiturs ("We'll go tomorrow, Albert)
I remember Mark Frost saying something like "it will be a completely different way to deliver episodes". Maybe he was talking about doing it subliminarly out of order? (Maybe he never watched that other show that also does that)

:arrow: Is it ever revealed why Bad Coop switches cars? Maybe in the Buella scene he has the car he got after the crash. (Please refer below to another look at cars.)

:arrow: I'm not sure if Bad Cooper is driving the car Jack gets him in day -1 when he crashes. If so, then the car crash scene would have to take place in day 0 and the interview in day +1, therefore ruining this theory.

If it's the same car, there's a chance the scene took place before day -1. Even before day -2. Maybe Jack went on to get Bad Coop another car and then got killed on day -1. I mean, maybe that rubbing face thing was nothing more than two adults sharing a tender moment, and Jack was killed off screen in another point in time.

:arrow: All that being said, could we say that Good Cooper already left the Lodge? I mean, if that's really him on day 0, taking Dougie's place, then the whole theory crumbles as well, right?