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Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:32 am
by cgs027
Ross wrote:My biggest question about Mr. C's hit on DougieCoop is why does he take out the hit BEFORE the switch happens in episode 3? The whole point for creating Dougie is to track the Lodge into switching Cooper for Dougie, and not Mr. C, correct? Which is exactly what happened. But Mr. C puts the hit out before the switch!! If it had gone thru, it would have ruined the whole plan!
I always assumed it was implied that the hit was to take place after 2:53 on that day, as a back-up plan. Thus, the hitmen were waiting for DougieCoop to leave the house after the switch. That way, Dougie would have been pulled back into the lodge, and DougieCoop would be killed soon after. So, maybe we can assume the hitmen had been trailing him waiting for the right time to take action, which would explain them waiting in their car?

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:53 am
by cgs027
Ross wrote:I'm still hazy on the whole Hastings/Ruth/Secretary thing. First off, did both the secretary AND Ruth have the coordinates? And who actually killed Ruth, Briggs, and set up the bodies like that in Ruth's apartment? Was that done just to frame Hastings? Jefferies (or the impostor on the phone) says that EvilCoop met with Briggs. Which implies EvilCoop was there when the whole thing went down? Did he kill Ruth? But if so, why not just get the coordinates from her arm himself? And I guess Jack rigged the secretary's car to kill her? But EvilCoop didn't yet know if Ray had gotten the info/coordinates from her yet.
And yes, the whole secretary character, as of now, is a mess. Seems she only existed storyline-wise in order to have Ray get access to the coordinates. But Hastings never mentions her being involved with him and Ruth during his last interrogation scene, the whole hit on her makes ZERO sense if Mr. C needed this info from her (it would only make sense if he already knew Ray had gotten the info, but he didn't even know Ray was in prison without intercepting that phone call later at night, so seems unlikely), etc...

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:25 am
by Soolsma
krishnanspace wrote:Why did Carl Rodd see the Soul leaving(I know him and the log lady have some special abilities)?
He, Margaret and Alan Traherne went missing in the woods as kids and recieved the marking on their skin very similar to Major Briggs', who also had visions after his disappearance into what was probably the white lodge. He lived most of his life around those strange woods and Frost revealed
he is an original Bookhouse Boy, who are known for their affinity with the mystical powers there
What also might be significant here is that during some time he was married to an Aleut woman (native people from Alaska) who died while giving birth to their child, who also died. Seeing the young boy being killed like that was probably reminiscent of that.
krishnanspace wrote:Where is Jeffries if that is Jeffries indeed?
I think it is Jeffries and that Jeffries is mostly inside the electricity in this world. In fact, he might have already been since (before) FWWM, where I think he came out of the CCTV.
krishnanspace wrote:What happened to the Truck Owner who was supposed to meet Andy at 430?
Wasn't it heavily implied that he was also killed by Richard?
krishnanspace wrote:How powerful is Mr.C without Bob?Where did Bob go?
He never left, he just popped out his head to say hello :twisted:

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:10 am
by krishnanspace
Soolsma wrote:
krishnanspace wrote:Why did Carl Rodd see the Soul leaving(I know him and the log lady have some special abilities)?
He, Margaret and Alan Traherne went missing in the woods as kids and recieved the marking on their skin very similar to Major Briggs', who also had visions after his disappearance into what was probably the white lodge. He lived most of his life around those strange woods and Frost revealed
he is an original Bookhouse Boy, who are known for their affinity with the mystical powers there
What also might be significant here is that during some time he was married to an Aleut woman (native people from Alaska) who died while giving birth to their child, who also died. Seeing the young boy being killed like that was probably reminiscent of that.
krishnanspace wrote:Where is Jeffries if that is Jeffries indeed?
I think it is Jeffries and that Jeffries is mostly inside the electricity in this world. In fact, he might have already been since (before) FWWM, where I think he came out of the CCTV.
krishnanspace wrote:What happened to the Truck Owner who was supposed to meet Andy at 430?
Wasn't it heavily implied that he was also killed by Richard?
krishnanspace wrote:How powerful is Mr.C without Bob?Where did Bob go?
He never left, he just popped out his head to say hello :twisted:
If Jeffries is not physical,why does he need Bob?

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:18 am
by Ross
cgs027 wrote:
Ross wrote:My biggest question about Mr. C's hit on DougieCoop is why does he take out the hit BEFORE the switch happens in episode 3? The whole point for creating Dougie is to track the Lodge into switching Cooper for Dougie, and not Mr. C, correct? Which is exactly what happened. But Mr. C puts the hit out before the switch!! If it had gone thru, it would have ruined the whole plan!
I always assumed it was implied that the hit was to take place after 2:53 on that day, as a back-up plan. Thus, the hitmen were waiting for DougieCoop to leave the house after the switch. That way, Dougie would have been pulled back into the lodge, and DougieCoop would be killed soon after. So, maybe we can assume the hitmen had been trailing him waiting for the right time to take action, which would explain them waiting in their car?
This makes sense- but I just watched the episodes again and there is nothing in them that suggests that anyone has told Todd, Lorraine, or the hit men to deliberately wait until after 2:53 exactly. Not that that means that wasn't the plan. We have to assume that EvilCoop knows exactly the time of the switch. Seems like waiting to see if everything went as planned before the hit might make more sense...

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:20 am
by Ross
cgs027 wrote:
Ross wrote:I'm still hazy on the whole Hastings/Ruth/Secretary thing. First off, did both the secretary AND Ruth have the coordinates? And who actually killed Ruth, Briggs, and set up the bodies like that in Ruth's apartment? Was that done just to frame Hastings? Jefferies (or the impostor on the phone) says that EvilCoop met with Briggs. Which implies EvilCoop was there when the whole thing went down? Did he kill Ruth? But if so, why not just get the coordinates from her arm himself? And I guess Jack rigged the secretary's car to kill her? But EvilCoop didn't yet know if Ray had gotten the info/coordinates from her yet.
And yes, the whole secretary character, as of now, is a mess. Seems she only existed storyline-wise in order to have Ray get access to the coordinates. But Hastings never mentions her being involved with him and Ruth during his last interrogation scene, the whole hit on her makes ZERO sense if Mr. C needed this info from her (it would only make sense if he already knew Ray had gotten the info, but he didn't even know Ray was in prison without intercepting that phone call later at night, so seems unlikely), etc...
Agreed. It seems very messy.

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:10 am
by Saturn's child
Soolsma wrote:I think it is Jeffries and that Jeffries is mostly inside the electricity in this world. In fact, he might have already been since (before) FWWM, where I think he came out of the CCTV.
This is great! :D
(I now have Bowie's TVC15 in my head too; also a good thing)
(...& that song's about someone going into a TV!)

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:34 pm
by DoppelBocker
Just want to say this is the best thread idea yet. For every answer we get there's a ton of unanswered questions.

I tried keeping track of this over last month and before long several pgs long which will refrain from posting as too much. Perhaps it would be easier to break down by episode?

Episode 12 that just aired:
1) Besides Lil in FWWM we see a French lady in the restaurant seemingly an escort to some old guy that can perhaps be seen in a whole new context after tonights episode?

2) There's a French lady in this episode that's perhaps speaking in code about something? Any connection to women seen in FWWM. If so what role do they serve?

3) Affirmed Twin Peaks in same geographic location as visitor's guide says in 90's so not moved as some seemed suggest on forums weeks ago. With that being said, has Fat Trout trailer Park or geographic area of Deer Meadow been moved?

4) Who are Richard Horne's parents once and for all?

5) What is the sound in Sarah Palmer's house? Smoked turkey freeked her out I intuitively get but am wondering is she possessed or something?

6) Audrey is not mentioned by Ben why? What is up with her situation? (What understood: Married to politician seems as Audrey scene follows Jacobi's rant with fire in background; perhaps purely contractual and never intimate? Billy sees chuck stealing his truck and tells sheriff who later finds it that afternoon. Chuck (who Audrey considers cerfifiablly insane) tells her tina (who can't speak about Billy in front of her Husband) last to see him. Audrey asks husband to call Tina but never does and she goes bonkers having dream about him bleeding from nose and mouth and wants search the RoadHouse which last place expect find him as hates the place. Husband did something to give up his contracted rights in Audrey's opinion as she can't stand him and threatens to renege contract if he not help her and keeps expertly getting stalled showing some sort of plot behind this).

7) Lot of non-sequiter scenes involving guests at Roadhouse (Angela whose off meds and mother died disappearing last couple nights; 2 women assume doesn't know about Clark and Mary 2 nights before;;;; Trick who not under house arrest has guy run him off the road arrives see 2 women in 1 piece).

8 ) Diane's cellphone messages from DoppleC. really?

9) The warden dies and apparently we not found out who Mr. Strawberry and Joe McKlusky are? (Guessing Mr. Strawberry his dog perhaps and no idea on Joe; the 2 that shoot him are the 2 that received the dog legs supposedly while Coop still in prison it seems).

Questions harkening back to earlier episodes leading coop to warden:
10) Where was Coop headed when he had his accident?

11) Why have Hasting's secretary's car blowup before info. delivered to Coop?

10) How did DoppleC. so carefully arrange being taken to the specific jail Ray at when in fact he arrived due to an accident? (Saw he looked up info. on the prison Ray at after killing Darya to get info. on coordinates but unclear how gets blackmail info.) Later learn from his conversation with Warden at prison lady and husband (who apparently own hotel and garage where Mr. C. stores some of his mint vehicles besides being in the hit business) involved in blackmail scheme as he kills a dog (supposedly Mr. Strawberry the wardens pet) and sends 2nd, and 3rd leg to them (where 4th anyone's guess).

11) It's unclear how he communicates to couple while in prison or why they kill the people living at the farm or why they chose to meet there?

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:47 am
by alreadygoneplaces
DoppelBocker wrote:
Questions harkening back to earlier episodes leading coop to warden:
10) Where was Coop headed when he had his accident?

11) Why have Hasting's secretary's car blowup before info. delivered to Coop?

10) How did DoppleC. so carefully arrange being taken to the specific jail Ray at when in fact he arrived due to an accident? (Saw he looked up info. on the prison Ray at after killing Darya to get info. on coordinates but unclear how gets blackmail info.) Later learn from his conversation with Warden at prison lady and husband (who apparently own hotel and garage where Mr. C. stores some of his mint vehicles besides being in the hit business) involved in blackmail scheme as he kills a dog (supposedly Mr. Strawberry the wardens pet) and sends 2nd, and 3rd leg to them (where 4th anyone's guess).

11) It's unclear how he communicates to couple while in prison or why they kill the people living at the farm or why they chose to meet there?
Obviously a lot of this is still very unclear, but I think these are linked... re: number 11: in episode 1 or 2, doppelgänger tells Chantal something like "I need you and hutch in a specific place in a few days time", which was presumably that farm, somewhere near the prison. This adds weight to the idea that everything about his brief stay in prison was planned in advance. When the doppelgänger arrives bloodied, Hutch says "we was expecting you last night"- he would have arrived the previous night, had he not been shot by Ray. Hutch had brought him a bag, which we didn't get to see the contents of, but the doppelgänger seemed quite excited about it. He gave them their new orders and hit the road.

Two other big mysteries about his prison stay:

- The "cow jumped over the moon" / Argentina box phone call. What the hell?

- "Now, food is coming." What superpowers does this guy have exactly?

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:47 am
by DoppelBocker
The cow jumped over the moon I think will be explained in a future episode for sure as a cow on set at 1 point?.
- "Now, food is coming." What superpowers does this guy have exactly?
Special Abilities Question:
I took this as DoppleCoop ascertaining the daily set schedule of mundane life within the prison.

That being said, it does seem he has special abilities as the scene with Jack still bit confusing (those with more limited affect operating on base plane of existence he's able put into a state of catatonic hypnosis?). Perhaps some of DoppelCoop's abilities perhaps stem from Bob. I'm not sure what though. Perhaps Bob transfers over information to DoppleCoop he otherwise wouldn't be privy to such as the blackmail info. on Warden? DoppleCoop also seems to have near perfect recall memory unsure if this just his intellect or some assistance from Bob on this as well.

As for predicting the future, I don't know... The stay at the prison couldn't have been planned unless he's able to predict the future setting all the correct variables up at precisely the right time to get the exact future outcome he sees (car crash in exactly right place knowing he'd be taken right to correct prison and not held up in hospital or anywhere else before court date). I think knowing the actual time of the real cooper and him switching back is a given that he knew about but that's not enough to suggest he can predict the future just that he knew the process by which Dale and him supposed to switch places.

Obviously a lot of this is still very unclear, but I think these are linked... re: number 11: in episode 1 or 2, doppelgänger tells Chantal something like "I need you and hutch in a specific place in a few days time", which was presumably that farm, somewhere near the prison. This adds weight to the idea that everything about his brief stay in prison was planned in advance. When the doppelgänger arrives bloodied, Hutch says "we was expecting you last night"- he would have arrived the previous night, had he not been shot by Ray.
Question 11 seems to have been answered (didn't have to communicate as pre-planned) so back to Question 10:

Yeah, I think it's safe to say DoppleCoop told them to arrive at this farm shortly after leaving the hotel upon which he went and set-up the blackmail scheme with the dog legs before getting back in the car heading who knows where (?) when he had his "accident". For now, I'll assume he was in the midst of pulling off his plan for blackmail to get Ray out himself (leaving himself alone in car knowing the switchover about to occur). Perhaps the accident was unintended and he coincidentally arrived in prison where had pull off the scheme as opposed to from the outside doing it in a more controlled manner before his pre-set arrival at the farm?
Hutch had brought him a bag, which we didn't get to see the contents of, but the doppelgänger seemed quite excited about it. He gave them their new orders and hit the road.
I just assumed it was weapons and goods to be bartered for money... Perhaps something else was in the bag though? He doesn't seem to know who owns the place but just knows where it is suggesting he picked it for it's geographic coordinates. His dealing with Ray was supposed to culminate here I'm guessing but why not just pick some abandoned area though. This leads to a new question of why pick this area to meet Chantal and her husband?

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:53 pm
by DoppelBocker
Yeah, I think for now on I'll just post my questions pertaining to each episode then leave it at that. Can write pgs trying theorize answers. Perhaps when show is all aired and read the Final Dossier I can look back at some of these questions and see what answered and what not.

Overall, I'm starting to think most everything will be unanswered.

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:55 pm
by wAtChLaR
DoppelBocker wrote:Yeah, I think for now on I'll just post my questions pertaining to each episode then leave it at that. Can write pgs trying theorize answers. Perhaps when show is all aired and read the Final Dossier I can look back at some of these questions and see what answered and what not.

Overall, I'm starting to think most everything will be unanswered.
i understand the skepticism ...but i think more questions will be answered than not

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:44 pm
by Snailhead
In regards to "now, food is coming" seemed to me a continuation of Coop's line in FWWM, when Albert asks what the next victim of the killer is doing at this moment: "preparing a great abundance of food"

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:39 pm
by krishnanspace
Snailhead wrote:In regards to "now, food is coming" seemed to me a continuation of Coop's line in FWWM, when Albert asks what the next victim of the killer is doing at this moment: "preparing a great abundance of food"
Its because he gets food at the same time everyday so he is used to it

Re: List of all the unsolved mysteries

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 4:38 am
by Ragnell
DoppelBocker wrote:2) There's a French lady in this episode that's perhaps speaking in code about something? Any connection to women seen in FWWM. If so what role do they serve?
I thought she was a comment on Audrey, actually. A sultry brunette that spends a lot of time with flirtatious movements while Albert wants to get down to business seems like a commentary on Lynch and Frost dealing with fandom's desire for Audrey fanservice while they try and tell a story.
6) Audrey is not mentioned by Ben why? What is up with her situation? (What understood: Married to politician seems as Audrey scene follows Jacobi's rant with fire in background; perhaps purely contractual and never intimate? Billy sees chuck stealing his truck and tells sheriff who later finds it that afternoon. Chuck (who Audrey considers cerfifiablly insane) tells her tina (who can't speak about Billy in front of her Husband) last to see him. Audrey asks husband to call Tina but never does and she goes bonkers having dream about him bleeding from nose and mouth and wants search the RoadHouse which last place expect find him as hates the place. Husband did something to give up his contracted rights in Audrey's opinion as she can't stand him and threatens to renege contract if he not help her and keeps expertly getting stalled showing some sort of plot behind this).
No one in the Part 12 or Audrey thread has suggested Charlie's a politician yet. They're more focused on the 9th Circle of Hell. But that is a great idea that explains a LOT. Like why he'd be helpful to have with her, why he doesn't care about affairs, why a rich woman is in a marriage of convenience, why Richard gets away with so much and why Frank prefers to go to Ben. (A politician stepdad might cause trouble to cover this up.)

And why Charlie's last name isn't in the credit... if it turns out to be Milford.