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Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:08 pm
by Mb3
Each of the five episodes twice.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:45 pm
by baxter
I can't really remember. I think I've seen the first 2 three times. 3+4 twice, and 5 once. The first viewing I was so excited I couldn't actually process anything. I made the mistake of checking the forum to see what the buzz was before watching episode 2 for the first time, and the negativity made it impossible to form an opinion until the episode just won me over with its brilliance at the end.

Watching the show again with my brother (who was watching for the first time) was a great experience. It's how I watched the original TP years ago when we were 13 or 14, and we now live on opposite sides of the world so it was a rare and special experience to revisit it.

Fun fact- before leaving Europe, I went to a hipster gig in a basement in Copenhagen where they had two bands playing before a showing of the first two episodes! By that point, I had seen them three times and went for a curry after the bands :-D

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:13 am
by Gabriel
Just gave 5 a second viewing. Definitely something to watch at night – the darker scenes are borderline unwatchable in the daytime, even with my curtains drawn. I just moved home and haven't put up my thicker red curtains yet! :lol:

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:29 am
by Johnsusername
baxter wrote:I can't really remember. I think I've seen the first 2 three times. 3+4 twice, and 5 once. The first viewing I was so excited I couldn't actually process anything. I made the mistake of checking the forum to see what the buzz was before watching episode 2 for the first time, and the negativity made it impossible to form an opinion until the episode just won me over with its brilliance at the end.

Watching the show again with my brother (who was watching for the first time) was a great experience. It's how I watched the original TP years ago when we were 13 or 14, and we now live on opposite sides of the world so it was a rare and special experience to revisit it.

Fun fact- before leaving Europe, I went to a hipster gig in a basement in Copenhagen where they had two bands playing before a showing of the first two episodes! By that point, I had seen them three times and went for a curry after the bands :-D
I was away on holiday so I've only yesterday watched Parts 1 and 2 and absolutely loved them. Like, REALLY blew me away.

I'm going to watch 3 and 4 this week/weekend. I'd like to rewatch them again with headphones, in the dark, think it'll be a different experience.

And today was the first time I checked into the forum - I'm really surprised with the negativity you also mention. I knew from the Facebook group that some people were unhappy, but to come in here and people shouting ''IT'S NOT TWIN PEAKS! It's not my Twin PEAKS! I'm going to go and watch the original series, THAT won't let me down!''

Have people not been paying attention to Lynch's work this past 25 years?!?

p.s. THAT shot of New York (or Manhattan?) Wow. Amazing. Twin Peaks is now EPIC!

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:46 am
by baxter
I feel lucky to have got to see an exhibition of Lynch's paintings recently. The series is really close to those, particularly in the special effects. So none of the look of it has surprised me.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:27 am
by Jonah
Still haven't rewatched. I'm not sure when I will - I might wait until the midway point or even after the series is over.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:36 am
by claaa7
anyone caught up in a rewatch of the 16 episodes in anticipation of the final?

i was thinking of doing it but then i realized that it would disturb me if i had other things to do and only had time to watch half of it before 17 & 18 hits.. i will do a proper rewatch of the entire series over a few days once all the pieces are there for us to see again.

i've seen almost all episodes twice by now, a few of them 3 times or more (the first four parts).. i haven't rewatched 14 and 15 at all.. 14 i didn't like at all on first viewing and 15 was just too good that i want to savor it before a rewatch :)

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:57 am
by Mr. Jackpots
I have refrained from any rewatches. Really want to watch this thing beginning to end with no backtracking.

I also don't want to over do it.

I have probably rewatched the old series and FWWM between 10 and 15 times each. I know from experience that watching the same program too much too often kind of lessens the impact for me. I find all Lynch's works incredibly powerful emotionally and want to keep it that way. I don't like to rewatch anything within a years time.

This Christmas I will get myself a big screen TV with surround sound and The Return on Blu-ray. And binge watch it at night over the space of about a week.

All that said. I do really want to rewatch parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 really bad.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:09 am
by Ragnell
claaa7 wrote:anyone caught up in a rewatch of the 16 episodes in anticipation of the final?

i was thinking of doing it but then i realized that it would disturb me if i had other things to do and only had time to watch half of it before 17 & 18 hits.. i will do a proper rewatch of the entire series over a few days once all the pieces are there for us to see again.

i've seen almost all episodes twice by now, a few of them 3 times or more (the first four parts).. i haven't rewatched 14 and 15 at all.. 14 i didn't like at all on first viewing and 15 was just too good that i want to savor it before a rewatch :)
I was the same way. I've watched every ep at least twice too, once on my own and once later in the week with a friend. I think after the ending I may do a rewatch... unless it has so much impact I need to let it settle like Part 8.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:49 pm
by Dreamy Audrey
I've watched most of the episodes two or three times, but some of the scenes I re-watched more often. I began a complete re-watch after part 16 (which I'll hopefully finish before part 17) and will probably do a complete re-watch after episode 18.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:00 pm
by Jasper
I've watched everything twice, with some extra watches of certain sequences, such as the remarkable film-within-a-film that is the "mauve room".

I didn't really have time to do more rewatches, but I don't think I'd have watched it more anyway, because I'd like it to feel fresh when I do a complete rewatch of the entire thing. I know I'm going notice a lot of new things when I view it as a complete work without the long waits between parts.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:56 am
by IcedOver
I've watched Parts 1 and 2 three times each, 3 through 10 and 14 through 16 twice each, and 11 through 13, 17 and 18 once each.

Re: How many times have you rewatched? (SPOILERS)

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:53 pm
by Mystery Roach
I've watched every episode at least three times, and the first few a good dozen now probably. For a while I watched every new episode a few times and then started over and watched all of them again before the next one. I stopped doing that after Part 8, but after about four more episodes I began again, only starting with Part 9 instead of Part 1. Finally I watched them all from the beginning again leading up to the last two. Now I've just started over yet again after seeing the final two episodes three times each.

I also watched everything else leading up to the premiere (and I've watched FWWM and TMP a couple of times since then too), so the next time I see everything from start to finish will probably be whenever TPTR is released on blu-ray. Meanwhile, who knows how many more times I'll see this series.