Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

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Post by mlsstwrt »

tomgushue wrote:IMO, Hawk added the most to the show while doing the least.

That may sound confusing, but when you think about it, he really didn't do or say all that much, and we really don't know very much at all about him, but he added so much in tone and feeling to the show, it wouldn't have been the same without him.

Just seeing all of the native art in the Great Northern and knowing that Hawk was around somewhere always made me feel that there was something very important going on that we were never privy to seeing. I always got the feeling that he knew so much more than he ever said, about Bob and the lodges and everything.

Edit: I just remembered, when I first showed the series to my Dad, he always used to scramble for the remote to turn up the volume whenever Hawk spoke, convinced that he was going to give some major clue. Even when Hawk said something completely trivial, he used to analyze it exhaustively because he was convinced that he could somehow figure out the whole thing by listening to him. Even now, he's trying to buy an old authentic totem pole to set up in our backyard.
Lost it at this. One of my favourite posts ever on this board. Absolutely awesome.
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by StealThisCorn »

This was fun to think about. Here is my list.

Favorite character: I can't get enough BOB. But among humans, there is no question it's Laura Palmer. And the fact that she's actually dead for most of the material just goes to show you what an incredibly inspiring character she is. And Hawk is pure awesome and without his hard work, nothing would move forward.
Least favorite character: Lana Budding Milford. I just find her so annoying to watch, she makes me want to cringe. But if we are talking main characters then Leo Johnson. For the majority of the show he is just so boring to watch, either drooling in his wheelchair or being Windom Earle's Igor. I hated James and Donna for most of it too and Josie and Hank had such potential at first but felt completely wasted to me by the end.

Favorite episode: It's hard to pick between all the David Lynch directed episodes, but I think the show as a whole was probably the most perfect for me in Episode 8 ('May the Giant Be With You') before any of the really bad plotlines started stealing screen time.
Least favorite episode: The most disappointing one was definitely Episode 17 ('Dispute Between Brothers') because of how they completely ruined the impact that should have resulted from the previous episode's revelation and Leland's funeral. But the legitimately altogether worst episode for me might just be Episode 24 ('Wounds and Scars') where even though it's clear the show is trying to get back on its feet after a midseason slump, I find almost all the material it covers rather plain and boring from the opening shot of Truman remembering Josie as his whiskey glass turns to the Pine Weasel Riot to the final shot of Jones climbing into Truman's bed.

Favorite actor (male): Al Strobel. I love every second that guy is on screen with his magnanimous voice and eerie gesticulating.
Least favorite actor (male): Billy Zane.

Favorite actor (female): Sheryl Lee. She is the most beautiful corpse I have ever seen in a TV show and her performance in FWWM was just incredible and stunning (all wig issues aside). She's definitely my fave of the beautiful women the "world of Twin Peaks is filled with".
Least favorite actor (female): Robyn Lively

Favorite actor (transgender): David Duchovny. ;)

Favorite director: (obviously) David Fucking Lynch, followed by Lesli Linka Glatter
Least favorite director: Diane Keaton, followed by James Foley

Favorite writer: Mark Frost (who else?)
Least favorite writer: Tricia Brock

Favorite Julie Cruise song: "The Nightingale". Every time it comes up on my playlist, I just can't skip it.
Least favorite Julie Cruise song: "Rockin' Back Inside My Heart"

Favorite instrumental song: "Dark Mood Woods". Incredibly atmospheric, I feel like it's just full of this dark, electric energy and that makes whatever its played over feel epic. But "Laura Palmer's Theme" was the first piece I heard in the show and it's so beautiful it's hard not to mention it, especially with its dozen or so variations.
Least favorite instrumental song: "Western Ballad (R.R. Tune No. 5)".

Favorite scenes in each Twin Peaks episode:
Pilot: When Cooper removes the letter from underneath Laura's fingernail and gets that crazed smile as the fluorescents flicker wildly, revealing that this murder is part of something much bigger and more sinister.
Episode 1: Sarah's sudden jarring vision of Bob crouched at the foot of Laura's bed. The discordant music and Grace Zabriskie's unparalleled screaming abilities really make this scene unsettling.
Episode 2: It has to be Cooper's dream of the Red Room, of course, but most of all it's probably Mike's reciting of the "Fire walk with me" incantation/poem.
Episode 3: Leland swan diving onto Laura's coffin. What an incredible blend of humor and tragedy.
Episode 4: The interrogation of Philip Gerard, the one-armed shoe salesman.
Episode 5: The tea party with the Log Lady. Also Hank beating up Leo.
Episode 6: As absurd as the idea of a bird witness is, Waldo's recorded "Stop it! Don't go there! Leo no!" still give me a shiver. Also Audrey's cherry-stem trick.
Episode 7: Cooper's undercover smoothtalking with Jacques Renault.
Episode 8: Ronette's terrifying memory of Laura's murder at the hands of BOB in the train car. Not even the murder scene in Fire Walk With Me could match the pure, visceral horror of this harrowing scene for me.
Episode 9: It has to be Bob climbing over that couch as he comes towards Maddy, but I love the scene where Donna visits the Tremonds and witnesses the creamed corn disappear.
Episode 10: Philip Gerard's transformation into Mike in the bathroom stall.
Episode 11: Leland's heartwrenching confession to killing Jacques.
Episode 12: Cooper and Harry's assault on One-Eyed Jacks. Specifically, the moment where it looks like they are dead meat and Hawk appears to save their asses.
Episode 13: Philip Gerard's eerie transformation and Mike's mindblowing revelations about "inhabiting spirits" at the end.
Episode 14: There's no way anything could top the gutpunch reveal of Laura's killer and Maddy's brutal murder.
Episode 15: Ben's tantrum where he wrecks his jail cell.
Episode 16: Leland's dance with Donna and that scare chord moment when he grabs her inappropriately and she realizes he isn't what he seems.
Episode 17: Audrey and Cooper saying goodbye.
Episode 18: Any of Denise Bryson's scenes.
Episode 19: Audrey kissing Cooper for the first and last time.
Episode 20: Hank beating the crap out of Big Ed (but not the ridiculous stuff that happens with Nadine after).
Episode 21: Ben turning on the fan so he can have the Confederate flag blowing behind him while all sing "Dixieland". In a bad episode, at least that scene always makes me laugh.
Episode 22: Cooper finding Caroline's creepy death mask in his bed.
Episode 23: Bob's appearance from under the bed at the Great Northern.
Episode 24: Miss Jones' tense meeting with Catherine where she gives her the puzzle box. I know Jones is such a minor characer but I always kind of found her cool, a mixture of sultriness and danger, even though she represents a lot of the writer's wrongheaded approach to continually bringing in new external troublemakers into the town, rather than working internally within the town itself.
Episode 25: Gordon and Cooper like old friends at the diner.
Episode 26: Gordon Cole's kiss with Shellly.
Episode 27: After the mayor says, "there's something wrong here," that foreboding pan through all those familiar, but eerily empty, locations around town culminating in the reveal of the oil pit and the grove. That visual sequence is up there with anything in Season 1 or early Season 2 so bravo Stephen Gyllenhaal.
Episode 28: Windom Earle with the white face and black lips. The only time he ever seemed truly menacing.
Episode 29: Cooper meeting his fate in the Lodge. I love Doppelaura's sinister "Meanwhile" before that terrifying scream. Still gives me goosebumps. And Bob's "HE CAN'T. ASK FOR YOUR SOUL. I WILL TAKE HISSSS". Words alone cannot describe the mystery and terror of that entire half-hour sequence.
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by mukuro »

My favorite character is definitely Agent Cooper.
Least favorite is John Justice Wheeler. I'm not a big fan of Billy Zane to begin with, but the JJW character and his romance with Audrey made me cringe all the way through.

My favorite episode is a tough pick between three of the ones directed by Lynch— First, third, and last. The first episode was strong but didn't pique my interest until the arrival of Dale Cooper. It started off melodramatic and heavy, and Cooper cut through that atmosphere brilliantly. That was the first moment I realized I might like this show. The third episode sealed it for me with Cooper's dream at the end. From that point on I was hooked as much on the Black Lodge as I was on Twin Peaks. The final episode was probably the strongest— it brought the series back to the main plot and away from the endless side stories that composed the bulk of the second season, and it managed to take the creepy strangeness to a whole new level in the lodge. It was a great finale.

Least favorite episode... I'm not sure I want to get started on that. I enjoyed the series the whole way through on first viewing. Upon second and third viewings I started to really lose my patience with much of the second season. The lack of input from Lynch and the resulting dip in quality became far more pronounced the more I watched. As mentioned before, the low point of the series to me was the Evelyn storyline.
Last edited by mukuro on Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mukuro »

Jerry Horne wrote:I watched Twin Peaks with a group of friends week after week during the initial run and nobody said a bad thing about Annie. However, i remember people talking about how Audrey's character had become a bit of a wet blanket late in the series. Her story arc was leading up to banging JJW in a jet while Pete peeked through the windows?
Had to laugh at this. Yeah, not the most compelling moment of Twin Peaks.
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by euro »

Favorite character: Audrey Horne
Favorite Character Movie: Phillip Jeffries
Least Favorite Character: : Justice Wheeler, Vivian Nyles

Favorite episode(s): Episode 2 and Episode 3, Episode 14 and Episode 29

Least favorite episode: Episode 17.

Favorite actor (male): Ray Wise
Least favorite actor (male): Billy Zane.

Favorite actor (female): Mädchen Amick (still looks awesome) and Piper Laurie (Great Actress)
Least favorite actor (female): Lara Flynn Boyle

Favorite director: David Lynch, Lesli Linka Glatter
Least favorite director: Diane Keaton

Favorite Song (Vocal): "The World Spins" and "Sycamore Trees"

Favorite instrumental song:: Audreys Dance . I love Jazz Music and this Song has great harmonics (It also includes Laura Palmer's Theme && Freshly Squeezed Sequences)
Favorite Instrumental Song FWWM: Main Theme

Favorite Scene: The First Scene of Course, Josie, Pete and Laura, wrapped in Plastic
Least Favoirte Scene: James and Donna at the Highschool (Pencil)
Funniest Scene: Catherine Martell: What's your name ? You're fired

Episode 1
Favorite Scene: Cooper & Audrey Breakfast
Least Favorite Scene: James and Donna again, at Haywards House :=P
Funniest Scene: Harry eating Doughnuts and The Fish in the Percolator

Epiode 2
Favorite Scene: Audreys Dance & The Red Room
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: Albert arrives

Episode 3
Favorite Scene: After the Funeral at the Double-RR, The Bookhouse-Boys Introduction
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: Of Course Albert at the Morgue

Episode 4
Favorite Scene: Int. Firing Range .... Hawk: One woman can make you fly like the eagle ....
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: The Llama and Andy drops his Weapon.

Episode 5
Favorite Scene: The Log Lady Coffee Break and the Scenes in the Forrest
Least Favorite Scene: Leland Dance at Great Northern (Not a bad scene, but I don't like it. It's oppressive to me.
Funniest Scene: Arrival of the Islanders

Episode 6
Favorite Scene: Coop & Truman at the Double-R (Everyday, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen) / Audrey and the Cherry
Least Favorite Scene: Cahterine and the Salesman
Funniest Scene: Audreys smokes in Emorys Office

Episode 7
Favorite Scene: Coop & Jacques
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: Lucy tells Andy that she's pregnant

... to be continued
Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds
Fire walk with me
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by euro »

Episode 8
Favorite Scene: The Giant & Coop, Ronettes Vision/Dream at the End
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: Many funny scenes here: Albert vs. Andy, Donna visits James in the prison, Leland sings Mairzy doats ...

Episode 9

Favorite Scene: Bob after the Just & And I scene, Majors Briggs showing Cooper "The owls are not what they seem"
Least Favorite Scene: James, Donna and Maddy singing Just You and I
Funniest Scene: Jerry & Ben: Brother Ben, we’ve got two ledgers and one smoked cheese pig. Which one do we burn?

Episode 10
Favorite Scene: Gerards Transformation into Mike
Least Favorite Scene: Lucy & Dick at Double-R
Funniest Scene: Albert vs. Truman Again: I love you Sheriff Truman.

Episode 11
Favorite Scene: Sternwood talks to Leland: .... we’ll meet and raise a class again together in Valhalla / Coops waiting for the Best Bookhouse-Boy ... Harry :)
Least Favorite Scene: Daryl Lowdwick at the Double-R
Funniest Scene: Andy Masturbates at the Rest Room

Episode 12
Favorite Scene: Hawk saves Cooper & Harry at the One Eyed Jacks (Audreys Rescue)
Least Favorite Scene: Court Case at the Road House, boring.
Funniest Scene: Hospital Bed Testing at Johnsons House with Bobby & Shelly

Episode 13

Favorite Scene: Gerards Transformations to Mike again
Least Favorite Scene: None
Funniest Scene: Leos Welcome Home Party with Bobby & Shelly

Episode 14
Favorite Scene: It's happening again. Probably the best Scene in the whole History of Television :).
Least Favorite Secne: None
Funniest Scene: Nadine in Girly Outfit with Ed at the Double-R.

Episode 15:
Favorite Scene: All Scenes with Leland/Ray Wise. The Louise Dombrowski Memory-Dance.
Least Favorite Scene: Lucy Sisters arrives. Oh, I really hate her *brrrr*, also Vivian and Ernie ..... brrrr
Funniest Scene: Pete visits Ben at the Prison

Episode 16
Favorite Scene: Lelands dying Scene.
Least Favorite Scene: Vivian eating at the Double-R
Funniest Scene: -

Episode 17
Favorite Scene: Coop says Audrey goodbye
Least Favorite Scene: Vivian and Norma again / Nadine at the High-School
Funniest Scene: Audrey and Bobby: Cone, I like to lick

Episode 18
Favorite Scene: Ben Watching old movies from Great Northern
Least Favorite Scene: All Scenes with Everlyn Marsh and Little Nicky
Funniest Scene: Some Scenes with Denise Bryson

Episode 19
Favorite Scene: Audreys kissing Coop.
Least Favorite Scene: Evelyn / LittleNick / Nadine Highschool / Lana ---> Go Home ! I really hate these subplots.
Funniest Scene: Hawk: Let's just say that when something big goes down, I just happen to be the man who's .....

Episode 20
Favorite Scene: Leo's Back Again ! Strike !
Least Favorite Scene: Evelyn ... Evelyn and Evelyn
Funniest Scene: Nadine vs. Hank. Okay, this is really funny :)

Episode 21:
Favorite Scene: Leo attacks Shelly ......
Least Favorite Scene : Evelyn and ..... Lana :D
Funniest Scene: Bens Civil War

Episode 22
Favorite Scene: Final Scene, Coops finding Carolines death mask.
Least Favorite Scene: Evelyn ???
Funniest Scene: Bens Civil War Again .... *Dixieland* and Pete, the Chess-Master

Episode 23
Favorite Scene: Bobs appearance at the Great Northern and Josie in the Woods.
Least Favorite Scene: Okay, no more Evelyn, but Justice Wheeler arrives (not really better)
Funniest Scene: Shellys Reaction of Ben & Normas Kissing

Episode 24
Favorite Scene: Windom Earle visits Donna
Least Favorite Scene: Audrey & Justice Picknick
Funniest Scene: The Weasel Massacre

Episode 25:

Favorite Scene: All Scenes with Gordon Cole (Bonsai)
Least Favorite Scene: Audrey & Justice
Funniest Scene: Cooper & Harry: Sure cure for a hangover, Harry. You start with a nearly
frozen, unstrained glass of tomato juice

Episode 26:
Favorite Scene: Gordon kisses Shelly
Least Favorite Scene: The Wine tasting Party
Funniest Scene: Gordon kisses Shelly (!!)

Episode 27:
Favorite Scene: Final Scenes, the Giant appears and the Black Lodge opens
Least Favorite Scene : Audrey & Justice ..... and the Plane ....
Funniest Scene: Attack of Major Briggs, looks like in the Top Secret Movie from 1984

Episode 28:
Favorite Scene: Windom Earle as the Log Lady
Least Favorite Scene: Miss Twin Peaks Dancing Scenes
Funniest Scene: Andrew fires on the BlackBox

Episode 29:

Favorite Scene: All Scenes at the Lodge of course
Least Favorite: Audreys Death :P
Funniest Scene: Dell Mibbler, the old man...
Through the darkness of futures past
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Fire walk with me
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by hopesfall »

euro wrote: Least Favorite Scene: James, Donna and Maddy singing Just You and I
I feel like the only person on the planet who enjoys this scene. James' sped-up falsetto is a little jarring, admittedly, but I love the feel of the scene itself.

I pretty much agree with every single choice of yours other than that! :)
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by LostInTheMovies »

hopesfall wrote:
euro wrote: Least Favorite Scene: James, Donna and Maddy singing Just You and I
I feel like the only person on the planet who enjoys this scene. James' sped-up falsetto is a little jarring, admittedly, but I love the feel of the scene itself.

I pretty much agree with every single choice of yours other than that! :)
I'll join with you on that. Totally reminds me of the "16 Reasons Why I Love You"/"Every Little Star" sequence in Mulholland Drive.
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Re: Favourite/least favourite things in Twin Peaks

Post by Mark B »

As cringe worthy as the song is I've always kind of liked the Just You & I scene. The last time I re-watched the whole series I re-appraised my feelings about the Donna & James storyline. Being a teenager is all about those stupidly heightened feelings and how important every little glance or gesture is and how one thing can break your heart. That ludicrous scene captures that, for me. Coupled with Maddy's vision at the end it works well for me.
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