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Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:40 pm
by N. Needleman
Miriam's last name is different in the end credits. What's amusing is I half-expected it to be.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:48 pm
by Rhodes
It is a shame that so many people don't seem to get the concepts of television and arts.

It seems so disrespectful and unjust to me that a great man like Lynch has to endure all this gender studies nonsense (that also completely misses the point). Let's give the man a big applause instead.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:08 am
by Cooperscoffeecup
N. Needleman wrote:Miriam's last name is different in the end credits. What's amusing is I half-expected it to be.
Those credits are just as important as the story itself, at times. :)

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:25 am
by 1derpalm
Esselgee wrote:
The Brown Lodge wrote:So Diane is dirty
Or is Albert? Wasn't there some suspicion about him a ways back on here? Didn't he keep the fact that he was in contact with Jeffries from Cole?
Had never thought of that!! It makes sense of was all "fruit cake anyone" when a guy who had never met with Cooper mentioned his name and Garland. You'd think he'd be freaked out. I wonder if Cole's vision of Laura her way of revealing his corruption.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:27 am
by 1derpalm
ThumbsUp wrote:Lucy's outfit tonight was definitely the same as the one in the last episode during the chair-buying scene. But later in that episode, she's wearing a different one, when she tells the guys she's on her lunch break, implying two days passed in part 9. Continuity error or non-linear storytelling?
Non-linear is my bet.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:28 am
by sewhite2000
Does anyone actually read previous posts on these threads?

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:32 am
by Daliz
gary2381 wrote:Is there a third person in the pic with DoppleCoop and the bald guy in the room with the glass box? Looks like something behind the bald guy.
Some people seem to think there is. But I think it's just a bunch of wires going to the wall of the glass box.

Some thoughts about the episode.

-Albert and Constance, awww :)

-It looks like Mr. C is outside the box with the bald guy in the photo. Not very surprising but now we know Mr. C has something to do with the glass box project.

-There's something up with Candie. I really hope she's plotting something against the Mitchums or otherwise will play a bigger role. Her hand waving :D

-Wow Richard wow. What an a-hole.

-Did Chad get the right letter or a wrong one (Miriam's last name :?: ). If it's the right one, will Lucy play a bigger part in this, going through Chad's stuff to deliver the letter to Frank?

-No Mr.C this time. I'm curious where is he heading now with the truck he got. Maybe the jobs in Vegas he mentioned to Hutch and Chantal in part 9, are the Mitchum brothers.

-So the Mitchums are Todd's enemies, so who's Todd? Rival casino owner?

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:41 am
by Meaxylon
1derpalm wrote:
Esselgee wrote:
The Brown Lodge wrote:So Diane is dirty
Or is Albert? Wasn't there some suspicion about him a ways back on here? Didn't he keep the fact that he was in contact with Jeffries from Cole?
Had never thought of that!! It makes sense of was all "fruit cake anyone" when a guy who had never met with Cooper mentioned his name and Garland. You'd think he'd be freaked out. I wonder if Cole's vision of Laura her way of revealing his corruption.
I thought so too, at first. I also find it interesting that Cole doesn't share with Albert his vision or mention that something strange is going on. But if Albert is corrupted, what are his true intentions? He's helping with the case and sharing information about Diane's messages, the server in Mexico, etc. Then when the ominous scene with Tammy walking in slow motion in the hallway came on I thought maybe we should be suspicious about Tammy. But she is also helping with the case, more clues about Bad Coop. Unless someone of them is cooperating with Jeffries. I really don't want to think Albert is corrupted. The one strange thing was when they were speaking to Bad Coop in prison and Bad Coop seemed to recognise Albert and Albert seemed uncomfortable (there was an exchange of looks, sort if)

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:49 am
by DeepBlueSeed
Nighthawk wrote:
DeepBlueSeed wrote:
Jacob wrote: - So I'm really surprised, when I see people here who are disappointed by Janey-E behavior (because she sleeps with Dougie even if he cheated on her) or, more strangely to me, even rooting for her ! There's nothing to be disappointed or to support. It's not like she ever cared about Dougie. The fact that he cheated on her doesn't matter to her. She used him probably for his money. And now he has abs, she uses him for sex.
That's why I liked the sex scene so much : because it's clear now Janey-E is evil. I mean she's raping him ! How can people here be wishing for Coop to live happily ever after with her is beyond me. OK, maybe in the next parts, Dougie, while he's going to awake himself, is also going to awake the real goodness in Janey E. Maybe. But for now that's everything but a love story. She's crazy ! Hellohohohoho !!! :mrgreen:
We're living in a strange world : while people here are complaining about representation of violence against women, a man-baby is being raped and viewers are hoping he's going to stay with the girl ! Am I alone on this one ?
I don't agree that she's evil, and don't know why you think she doesn't care for him, but I do find it an awkward scene as he is essentially a "man-baby". I think she's a somewhat horny housewife who, apparently having missed the fact he has incredible abs every morning she dressed him - although possibly intrigued by his brief man of action phase - and she just wants to screw her husband. I don't know what her relationship was like with Dougie before he was replaced by DougieCoop, and I don't know what happens between him focussing on that chocolate cake and the two of them waking up Sonny Jim mid sex, but I'm aware this is Coop not at his full mentally capacity, and they're technically strangers. Arguably he didn't consent to it, even if he has got a big grin on his face. It's played for laughs but, even as it's making me laugh it makes me cringe.
Oh come on, Dougie easily dispatched a trained assassin not long ago. I am pretty sure he could have fended off unwanted sex from Janey-E if he wasn't into it, not to mention the necessity of getting aroused. It's good that this show is not on regular cable because if the PC brigade exerted censorship over Lynch's creative output, then we might as well watch some Teletubbies episodes.
I imagine that's a key part of FBI training, fending off unwanted sex from ladies.

I find it weird that this is described as PC, in an age where kids are taught quite specifically about what constitutes consent and rape. I have no doubt that Janey-E doesn't think she's doing anything thing wrong. But I also have no doubt that DougieCoop doesn't really know what's going on either, till it happens.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:57 am
by DeepBlueSeed
lotjx2 wrote:Ok, we can we just admit that this Vegas shit sucks. I mean come on. Its a waste of my time, your time and the cast time with stupid Dougie and the mob. Of course, he goes to the most incompetent Starfleet Doctor of all time for his check up. Dougie should have been given a cat scan as soon he started playing with the stethoscope. So, Naomi Watts screwed a mental patient, whatever. I just can't do too much more in Vegas as I feel like this entire plot would have been better served with Cooper being Cooper and going somewhere else like Northern China or the Australian Outback then working his way back. You know someplace where he could meet interesting people and do things. This is just painful every week. I understand its the whole awakening soul thing, but its boring and he should be able to advance to at least speak in sentences. It just feels tedious with the painful reality this is the last Twin Peaks we ever going to get.

The rest is fine. Actually, its great. Robert Horn is a great villain. We see Lucy actually act like a competent person of being suspicious of Chet. The drape store with Nadine is excellent work. While I am bit over Doc's rantings, its still Twin Peaks. The domestic violence literally crashing that beautiful ballad by Howard Dean Stanton. The Log Lady talking to Hawk is so powerful as we are literally seeing a woman dying in front of our eyes who is trying pass on wisdom and help. Equally painful is the Albert scenes with the funny corner. Laura magically appearing to Cole was also powerful. We even got progress on the Diane front and who was behind the NY experiment. This is excellent work. However, its getting bogged down by a storyline that it feels like its taking forever to get to. I don't even want to go to Las Vegas even for their kick ass Star Trek convention. They have made Vegas boring. Only David Lynch could do that.
I actually loved the Vegas stuff. When the brooding Angelo Badalamenti began to creep in I started feeling like I was drifting into Lost Highways territory. Agree about the other stuff though.
lotjx2 wrote:Honestly, the show needs to get its ass into gear if they are going to do the Black Lodge invading the White Lodge. That cannot be just one or two episodes. That needed to start happening now in a real powerful way besides vague pictures Cole is trying and finally figuring out that evil Dale is behind that. That should have been done by episode 5.
I'm hoping it kicks in in the next episode. They can only only put off things happening 'the next day' so long.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:58 am
by Rhodes
Snailhead wrote:Did anyone else think Rebekah Del Rio was Sherilyn Fenn the first time round? I did for about 5 seconds.
I thought the same for a couple of seconds! (Nice that Rebekah wore a lodge-dress by the way)

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:59 am
by Rhodes
Janey-E is super attractive! I loved her over the top acting sexy and aroused....

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:10 am
by DeepBlueSeed
yaxomoxay wrote: 1) You can't compare it with a man forcing sex on a woman. Dougie was aroused, he had an erection. A man would just need to... get in and we would have no clue about her desire for sex. Dougie wanted sex, at least at some level.
Wow. That's possibly the worst defence of the scene I've read.

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:21 am
by DeepBlueSeed
alreadygoneplaces wrote:
DeepBlueSeed wrote:
nick1218 wrote:
I've not seen much discussion on that bizarre process that occurs when Cooper is in the glass box, probably because it's so unfathomable. Purely speculation, but I have an idea that the box isn't there to capture or harness that creature, but to send it elsewhere, e.g. to ???????'s world (..."it is in our house now"...) There are a few details that would add weight to this which I don't have time to write just now, but there are also other details which muddy the waters...
It doesn't just materialise though, does it? It breaks out of the glass, physically manifests and kills the couple. Maybe it just vanishes, sure. But it's not confined by the constraints of the glass box, so who knows?

Re: Part 10 - Laura is the one (SPOILERS)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:38 am
by DeepBlueSeed
The Brown Lodge wrote:
DeepBlueSeed wrote:
The Brown Lodge wrote:
In what possible scenario could Johnny Horne father a child?
That argument might've held more water in an episode that didn't feature Janey-E declaring her attraction to child-like DougieCoop, and dragging him to the bedroom.
But just days before, she would have been having normal conversations with this man. She believes he is just having a funny turn but is still 'there'. No one has ever had a normal adult conversation with Johnny Horne.
True. It's incredibly unlikely he's the father. But not biologically impossible. I'm about 95% sure Audrey is Richard's parent.