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Post by LostInTheMovies »

I've noticed that when people talk about dugpas in the context of Twin Peaks, they often assign Bob and Mike this role. But if dugpas are sorcerers who have chosen the left-handed path, wouldn't a better analogy be Windom Earle? Neither in Windom's speech nor in the wider spiritual context from which the idea is drawn is it suggested that the dugpas themselves are supernatural in origin, but rather human beings attempting to access the supernatural for malignant purposes.

My sense is that their purpose (admittedly quite slight) in the Twin Peaks narrative is to underline the idea of worldly people accessing this otherworldly evil for their own purposes.
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Re: Dugpas

Post by StealThisCorn »

Yeah it is such a brief throwaway line and no connection or explanation is given in the script. Plus it makes me somewhat uncomfortable becase dugpas are a real world thing, but are just a sect of Tibetan Buddhism and not at all "evil sorcerers". Because there is no explicit origin given for beings like Mike and Bob, it is open to interpetation though.

Windom Earle definitely seems to fit the profile of a left-hand path devotee/sorcerer type. And its of note that in the original script for Episode 29, Windom would have had much more control over his movement within the astral environment of the Black Lodge and used his learning to mess with Cooper's mind while there.

Early on in the series it seems like there is a hint that Bob was once a human serial killer who literally lived with Mike above a convenience store until Mike couldnt stand the killing and shot Bob, but this narrative doesn't hold integrity for long.

I really hope the new series will give some explanations for these long standing mysteries.
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Re: Dugpas

Post by snoghumangerm »

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