I am not going to talk about the fact that you hate the show as it's not only your right but a legitimate feeling, even if I disagree.LurkerAtTheThreshold wrote:
I was back on board last episode. But this----
This----episode 8 business.....
Surely this is a fuck you to the audience? I'm still riding this wave to the beach, but should we be calling the authorities about the tsunami?
This series really feels like psychological abuse.
But let me disagree as vehemently as possible with the above statement. Episode 8 was the biggest, greatest love letter to Twin Peaks fans. We invested time and some money in it, and yesterday David Lynch transformed the whole world of Twin Peaks from a mild murder mystery in a god forsaken town in which two forces are fighting to the most important event in human history.
He moved Laura from being an abused druggie to a creation of God that most likely suffered to save our world. It made Twin Peaks the most important place in history due to human's choices (the nuke). He made everything the center of the existence planes, including the lodges. He made Bob the creation of pure evil (or pain and suffering on a nuclear scale), making Cooper's sacrifice even more incredible.