Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by bosguy1981 »

In one of the behind-the-scenes documentaries, Lynch is seeing sketching the New Jeffries on a pad of paper. If I remember correctly, he sketches his face in the cloud of smoke and says, "Jeffries is in the smoke" or something. Think the initial idea was to put David Bowie's face in there using the old footage?

If so, I wonder if Lynch himself thought better of the idea, or if Bowie's estate wouldn't authorize it. And I wonder if the idea was CGI Bowie mouthing along to Nathan Frizzell's new lines or just a static shot of Bowie's face? Hmmm. Makes you wonder.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Mr. Reindeer »

bosguy1981 wrote:In one of the behind-the-scenes documentaries, Lynch is seeing sketching the New Jeffries on a pad of paper. If I remember correctly, he sketches his face in the cloud of smoke and says, "Jeffries is in the smoke" or something. Think the initial idea was to put David Bowie's face in there using the old footage?

If so, I wonder if Lynch himself thought better of the idea, or if Bowie's estate wouldn't authorize it. And I wonder if the idea was CGI Bowie mouthing along to Nathan Frizzell's new lines or just a static shot of Bowie's face? Hmmm. Makes you wonder.
I noticed that too! Definitely an intriguing possibility.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Mr. Reindeer »

I watched the “Impressions” material and I am so grateful to those of you who prepared me for the “narrator” segments, because I might have shot my TV Elvis-style if I didn’t know it was coming. (Ok, I don’t own a gun; maybe I would have stabbed it with a vodka bottle, Sarah-style.) I assume they were made in tongue-in-cheek fashion because they’re SO moronic and inane, but holy hell (although I was amused by the reference to MJA choosing to stay home). It reminds me of the 2007 ‘Lynch One’ documentary in the way it tries too hard to be stylized and artsy instead of just letting the documentary material speak for itself (did we ever figure out who directed that one? I assume it was Jason S., maybe in conjunction with Jon Nguyen? I much prefered Nguyen’s approach on The Art Life to the editing we got here).

That being said, DKL clearly trusts Jason S. a great deal (he makes a huge deal about no one but Deming being present for actor rehearsals, but lets Jason S. lurk with a camera — so essentially the whole world is watching! He also tells Cornelia Guest that Jason is great). Likely no one else could have gotten this footage, so I’ll take the tacky pretentious interstitials and say “thank you.” Also, they’re easy to fast forward, and for the most part, Jason S. lets the on set footage play out largely unedited (unlike Lynch One) and without people yapping over it (unlike the Lauzirika documentary on this set), which I appreciate.

My biggest — really only — complaint is how little of the Washington shoot ended up being chronicled. Was Jason S. in Washington for just a teeny while? “Impressions” seems to be almost exclusively the California shoot, but there are a few things (particularly in the first half hour) that I was almost positive were shot in Wa.: the woods scenes with Jerry, the sheriff’s crew finding Naido, Coop and Laura in the woods, certainly Sarah in the Palmer house. So I guess Jason just popped up there at the tail end of the shoot?

It’s hard to even know where to begin. People have mentioned many of the highlights: DPK’s folk performance (love that he was inspired by Joyce, although I think Pynchon is in some ways more on-point to TP:TR); DKL sculpting a dildo (interesting that he apparently planned to have Jeffries appear in the machine’s smoke — would this have been reused footage like the Bob-orb, or was he planning to actually shoot new Bowie footage? We’ve been assuming the machine was a quick-fix for the Bowie situation, but was it maybe always part of the plan?); the wonderful Fusco “a-ha!” moment (hilariously explaining why they don’t have first names); Fenn calling out DKL on the writing of the Audrey scenes (and then bumming a cigarette off him).

I love that DKL’s Fix-All fixation (see what I did there?) has continued unabated, and how pissed he is at getting Plaster of Paris. It was beautiful to see the golden pool being constructed.

Other highlights: Forster beffudledly trying to process decades’ worth of Twin Peaks backstory and DKL’s shock that the construction crew actually built the radio station (definitely seems like there were some budget-related miscommunications on the production!).

We apparently came close to not having Albert in the show due to his NCIS commitment. I love DKL standing by the character and the actor (it sounds like some were pushing for a recast — unthinkable), and I offer my thanks to the crew for rallying and working long hours to shoot him out quickly.

Zabriskie’s mood and the overall ambience on-set seem as dour as the Sarah scenes that ended up onscreen. According to the subtitles, DKL at one point tells her she decides “it is in the hands of God,” but I’m not convinced this is what he says.

Only a couple of very minor things I’ve caught that were cut. Audrey has an extra line, “I’m flying, but I’m not on drugs,” and the Fireman is preparing to say “sycamore” backwards (wonder what the context was). There also seems to have been an abandoned concept that, as the Woodsmen rub Mr. C’s face with blood, his face would begin to morph into Bob’s, and a Woodsman would lift Mr. C’s head to display it to someone who is standing there (!).

It’s funny how DKL is so pissed off and apologetic to the actors about having to shoot out of sequence, whereas Knepper and Belushi are clearly used to that as the norm. It really does demonstrate that DKL isn’t a Hollywood person, as he says at one point, and any dissatisfaction he had about the process may have been less due to Showtime skimping on the budget than his own unrealistic ideals (i.e., wanting to make movies the Eraserhead way).

It’s interesting how intense DKL gets behind the camera when trying to elicit certain emotions from actors — during, for instance, the Ike the Spike scene, he is terrifying. But even during comedy scenes, it seems the mood while the cameras are rolling is deadly serious. DKL looks to be almost in tears during Tony Sinclair’s confession (notice how his neck is throbbing — and Cori Glazer behind him also looks like she’s crying!), whereas he yells to elicit real rage from Naomi on what is ultimately a silly fun scene (as Scott Cameron noted during prep). I’d love to see how irate he was during the Doris Truman scenes!

Strobel tells the story of losing his arm more effectively on the interview from the old Artisan DVD (because it’s a less rushed telling), but there is something chilling about seeing him tell the tale in the Red Room.

It seems that the Part 1 Ben & Jerry scene originally opened with a phone call that was discarded (unclear why), and DKL and Cori Glazer wrote something to replace it (presumably the business with Mrs. Houseman and the skunk) on set.

Is it me, or does Scott Cameron really sound like Richard Beymer? When he said Carrie Page’s name in the Red Room, I thought it was Beymer for a second and was shocked that he would have that plot information.

I love DKL declaring Kyle a magician and insisting that he do the plunge into the pool without wires. The BTS footage really gives perspective on how truly impressive Kyle’s physical work was all throughout this season.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by bosguy1981 »

Mr. Reindeer wrote:My biggest — really only — complaint is how little of the Washington shoot ended up being chronicled. Was Jason S. in Washington for just a teeny while? “Impressions” seems to be almost exclusively the California shoot, but there are a few things (particularly in the first half hour) that I was almost positive were shot in Wa.: the woods scenes with Jerry, the sheriff’s crew finding Naido, Coop and Laura in the woods, certainly Sarah in the Palmer house. So I guess Jason just popped up there at the tail end of the shoot?
Yup. I just listened to a Sabrina Sutherland interview on a TP podcast (sorry, I forget which one now, I think the one hosted by guys named Ben and Brian), where Sabrina said Jason S. was unable to be in WA for the first part of the shoot and that's why they invited Charles de Lauzirika to get coverage of what Jason S. would miss.

I do wonder if Charles was actually there from the beginning of the shoot, or if he only arrived after the first two or three weeks of WA shooting had already been completed, in which case there's no documentation of those first few weeks. I just note that many, many WA scenes do not show up at all in the behind the scenes footage (no RR Diner, Seyfried, Harry Dean Stanton, the hit and run accident, only a quick glimpse of Madchen in the Red Room as she watches Lynch direct, etc). I wish they'd gotten Jason S. from the get-go, no matter what the heck he was busy doing!
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by bosguy1981 »

Oh and in that interview, Sabrina Sutherland teased that Jason S. has something like 300 hours of behind the scenes footage from the filming that had to be culled down to just the 5 hours featured on the Bluray!!
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Mr. Reindeer »

bosguy1981 wrote:Yup. I just listened to a Sabrina Sutherland interview on a TP podcast (sorry, I forget which one now, I think the one hosted by guys named Ben and Brian), where Sabrina said Jason S. was unable to be in WA for the first part of the shoot and that's why they invited Charles de Lauzirika to get coverage of what Jason S. would miss.

I do wonder if Charles was actually there from the beginning of the shoot, or if he only arrived after the first two or three weeks of WA shooting had already been completed, in which case there's no documentation of those first few weeks. I just note that many, many WA scenes do not show up at all in the behind the scenes footage (no RR Diner, Seyfried, Harry Dean Stanton, the hit and run accident, only a quick glimpse of Madchen in the Red Room as she watches Lynch direct, etc). I wish they'd gotten Jason S. from the get-go, no matter what the heck he was busy doing!
Given that the Lauzirika feature is called “one week in Twin Peaks,” I think he missed a lot of the Washington shoot. The only chyron/timestamp I recall is 9/28 (Kyle’s first day on set), which I think appeared to be the last day Lauzirika chronicled. So assuming he arrived a week earlier on 9/21 or 9/22, he missed at least a week and a half of shooting before he arrived. They started shooting (I believe) 9/10-ish. The Double R was wrapped by 9/19. The HDS material was filmed roughly from 9/19-9/22. They also continued after Lauzirika presumably left for another almost two weeks through 10/10-ish. Presumably Jason S. was present for some of this, but probably not all IMO.

It feels really ungrateful to complain, given the incredibly generous access DKL gave documentary crews, and the wonderful material all three men captured. But I recall the excitement of seeing stills in the old spoiler thread of the Double R being restored. How amazing would it have been to see DKL working in that location, or to see Everett McGill working on a film set for the first time in 16 years? It’s odd to have a TP set with nothing of Mädchen in the extras, given her prominence in the extras of all prior home video releases. It just strikes me that if they were going to chronicle this production in such detail, it’s a missed opportunity to not capture in some ways the most exciting portion for long-time fans. My guess is DKL wasn’t sure how much access he wanted to allow until he got his feet wet and felt comfortable, given the scope of the project.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by laughingpinecone »

IT.PNG (12.93 KiB) Viewed 15469 times
DE.PNG (19.97 KiB) Viewed 15469 times
FR.PNG (21.99 KiB) Viewed 15469 times
I'm starting to suspect this worldwide release is an elaborate joke. Look at the dubs and subs. Release dates aren't consistent either it's (annoyed handwave) something something late March.
ES.PNG (16.22 KiB) Viewed 15469 times
...BUT WAIT, Spain got it even worse! On one hand, they don't even show the right cover on, so maybe this is not final. On the other, the product code is unique. At any rate, if this release were anything but my fave show I'd be boycotting.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by pinballmars »

Bought a new pair of semi-high end Audio Technica headphones and I'm breaking them in by rewatching this on Blu-ray.

If you're not able to turn this up loud on a home theater set-up (and maybe even if you are), I HIGHLY recommend the headphones experience. The sound design here really deserves it. I'm hearing all sorts of noises and details in there that I didn't notice before.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Mr. Reindeer »

Some more thoughts, having watched all the extras twice:

I know some have insisted that a Gordon/Tammy romance was intended to be subtext. The BTS footage refutes this. Although DKL jokes about this at one point, everyone else in his closest inner circle responds like it’s a one-time joke they’ve never heard before, not an intentional running subtext.

Josh Fadem asks if his character is Phil Bisby or Phil Blix, noting that it’s written both ways in different places. DKL insists that it’s Blix....but he ultimately went with Bisby in the end credits!

Mr. C’s car flipping midair apparently wasn’t scripted (we see Cori Glazer reading DKL the script, where the car simply takes to the air, then lands and slides backwards down the rise). For all those claiming the show was a victim of budget crunching, take note that DKL added an expensive unscripted stunt.

After Cooper calls out for Gordon in the sheriff’s station, DKL says we were to go “boom, to black,” then to “never never land,” then to the boiler room. Does anyone have any idea what he means by “never never land” (aside from the obvious combined J. M. Barrie / Metallica reference)? Does this refer to a specific supernatural area, like the “mansion room”? Perhaps this is the wallpapered area from Laura’s dream/painting, which is seen to lead to the Dutchman’s motel? In the final edit, I don’t believe we see any location between the sheriff’s station and the boiler room.

Ashley Judd is doing yoga in the background while they are prepping the Horne brothers scene. Not mentioning this for any particular reason except that I found it wildly distracting because at first I couldn’t figure out what on Earth she was doing.

The conversation between DKL and Scott Cameron about Fenn being a “hellcat” (and worrying about finding a balance between fake fighting and Fenn actually killing Middleton) is pretty hysterical.

The scene of Headley seeing the other Dougie Jones and his “KIDS-UH” has been a comic highlight of the new series since I first saw it. But the footage of DKL trying in vain to get adorably good-natured children to cry (to get one shot!) takes the scene to a whole new level anytime I watch it from now on. This section of the documentary immediately entered the pantheon of my all-time favorite BTS footage, and I’m surprised it hasn’t gone viral. “Too happy. Roll in pain! Really in pain!”

If there was one scene I wish we could have seen BTS footage for that we didn’t get, it’s Judy’s Diner. I would love to get a hint of what conversation Kyle and DKL had during that shoot. In particular, I’m CERTAIN they discussed Cooper’s reaction (or lack thereof) to sipping his coffee. I really think that any insight into the direction DKL gave Kyle on this scene would be invaluable to deciphering Cooper’s arc throughout this whole season.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Hester Prynne »

- Late to this thread as I just got the blu-Ray yesterday, but I thought it was interesting that DKL tells the receptionist at the radio station when the Woodsman places his hand on her head, she feels his pain. - Also took note of DKL's description to KM about what's happening with the clock and the rest of the Ep 17 scene - that the time was holding for him, a gateway had opened, and he had the key. I've only gotten through a fraction of the BTS footage because of work, but am really looking forward to the rest.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by IcedOver »

I've gotten around to looking at ordering options for this online (Blu-ray), as I cannot find it in any store. I'm finding people mentioning that it has a deluxe packaging and a regular packaging. It looks like the deluxe packaging is the one that pulls apart to reveal Dougie, all cardboard. What's the difference between that and the slipcase version? Does the slipcase contain a regular plastic Blu-ray container (which would be preferable to cardboard)? Does anyone know which version is currently being sold on Amazon (also, this is all United States)?
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Mr. Reindeer »

IcedOver wrote:I've gotten around to looking at ordering options for this online (Blu-ray), as I cannot find it in any store. I'm finding people mentioning that it has a deluxe packaging and a regular packaging. It looks like the deluxe packaging is the one that pulls apart to reveal Dougie, all cardboard. What's the difference between that and the slipcase version? Does the slipcase contain a regular plastic Blu-ray container (which would be preferable to cardboard)? Does anyone know which version is currently being sold on Amazon?
I thought the conclusion was that there is only one packaging option. I’ve only ever seen the one, and that’s what everyone seems to have gotten. Not sure where the references to multiple packaging options came from.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by IcedOver »

Mr. Reindeer wrote:I thought the conclusion was that there is only one packaging option. I’ve only ever seen the one, and that’s what everyone seems to have gotten. Not sure where the references to multiple packaging options came from.
I've found definite mention of a cheaper slipcase version that came out after the original, but now I'm thinking that it might just be outside the U.S.(?). I can't find any images of it.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by Diane »

There are two slipcase versions. The special edition package opens along a zig zag. The regular version is just a regular slipcase.
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Re: Twin Peaks: Season 3 on Blu-ray 12/5/17

Post by chalfont »

Received mine today.....
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